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AviGlatt Foods

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Greater Chicago, Illinois, United States
A man of many interests.

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Monday, November 16, 2009

"The Bill" & the Bible

Ok. Something strange came to me earlier today and I decided to share it here. You might look at the subject and ask what the two have in common? Am I going to say "the Bible" says...X.... about this bill? No chance. One, I'm not trained enough to make such a statement. Frankly, other than abuse of power, I see no other real connection to it until now.

I use the NIV (New International Version) Bible, which I have owned for almost 2 decades now. I noticed that my version from Genesis to Relelations has a grand total of 1148 pages. Now anyone who has read the Bible knows there is A LOT of subject matter covered in this. People spend years trying to tie together each book along with each character and related events or principles. I've know people who have studied the Bible at an academic level for years. Many Doctor of Divinity programs run as long or longer than some MBA or Law programs. There is so much to learn and apply as it relates to Biblical subject matter. It takes years to get a grasp on some very touchly subjects, understand what context they came from and how it can apply today.

Now this brings me to the point of how the Bible and "the Bill" are related. As I mentioned earlier, my Bible from start to finish has 1148 page. This bill has 1990 pages. I can tell you right now there is no chance on earth that I know every inch of the Bible. Sure, I may have some understanding of this of the main characters and stories but really may not grasp every principle. So how is it that those in the House and the Senate can HONESTLY say that they know what's in that bill? Every inch and line by line I bet they can't do it. That bill is like trying to read the entire NIV Bible from Genesis to Revelations, then starting at Genesis again and reading until finishing the book of Amos. In other words, after Amos there are only 36 pages left in the Old Testament to read. THAT give you an idea of what 1990 pages looks like. Imagine someone saying you have 72 hours to read the ENTIRE Bible plus 30 of 39 books in the Old Testament. Good luck, partner.

Then you had to give a report on that. You can't do it, can you? I don't think God expects us to read the entire Bible in such a short period of time. I believe He wants us to read it slowly and understand the entire work. This happens over years, as He intended. So how can someone say they read the entire monster known as "the Bill" and know everything that's in the bill? How is it that people believe that our politicians actually know what they're (trying) to sign into law? Make matters worse you commit a Saturday evening to do this?? Come on now. You can not do it. No chance!! Let me guess. They're speed readers, graduates of the Evelyn Wood Speed Reading Dynamics course of something of the like. Get real, politicians. Wake up citizens before the damage is done. Correct me if I'm wrong. For now, that's my story and I'm sticking with it.

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