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My Fun Food Blog: The Empty Plate Adventures

AviGlatt Foods

About Me

Greater Chicago, Illinois, United States
A man of many interests.

Environmental Suckas- Bob Parks

Sirius Radio


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Chef's Catalog

Sunday, April 18, 2010

"Racist" Tea Party.....O-K!!

I recently attended a local Tea Party event. Now if you hear the national media, you would think that I (being Black) would be out of place. That those who attended them were all "racist" and hatemongers. I can tell you for a fact, I got exactly what I expected -the EXACT OPPOSITE. People actually came to me in places. As I took my pictures, I don't think one person balked at me doing so. NOT ONCE did I feel threatened or in harm’s way. NOT ONCE did I hear any type of racist comments whatsoever. You would think that out of 500 plus people, a village idiot would stand out pretty quickly. I guess they stayed home. I had very positive discussions with many who attended. I spoke with everyone from the retired to the small and medium business owners and their concerns about what is happening now. How will their health benefits work for them in the years ahead? How can a business remain profitable should the cost of doing business going up? Worse yet, how can I hire someone if I don't have the means to pay them? How fast will the big government mentality spend its citizens into the ground (or oblivion)? I have no problem with someone calling themselves Black American, Italian American, and so on. It's what makes this country special. Unless you have  some Native American Indian blood in you, we're all from somewhere else. At the end off the day, while ethnic distinctions don't both me, we are all Americans. No place is perfect especially with man at the wheel, but the United States is about as good as it gets. If you doubt me, ask someone who came from somewhere else. If you don't agree with me, then they might make more sense to you.
This event had about 500 people (not quite as large as the downtown Chicago event but still effective), which considering this was on a Thursday during the lunch hour is pretty good. As I arrived, I was treated no differently than anyone else who was there. People were very respectful even to the handful of detractors. In fact, one visitor was told that his "pro-tea party" sign was not appropriate (calling Nancy Pelosi a Nazi). I think this person decide not to show it. All it was were people who had the same theme in mind- smaller government, freedom, and well being our country. I'm doing this to let folks know that this stuff about "racist Tea Party" people are flat out LIES!!!! This is the first I attended from start to end and the third I got to see. If you're curious and want to see for yourselves, go to an event and see for yourselves. Right wing nutjobs? No. These represent the American people who have seen what is going on and saying enough is enough. Those who say the Tea Party is racist in nature I'll almost be that most of those folks haven't gone to one. If they have, they probably had the mindset of wanting trouble and finding what they wanted to find- not what really existed.

So here are some of the signs I liked the most. I hope you all enjoy them. Click a photo to see a larger version.

Am I the only one who feels my "wealth" shouldn't be spread? Based on this picture, I know I am not alone. There's a difference between being compassionate and generous versus flat out stealing (and wasting). If anyone will "spread my wealth", that person will be me.

I had the chance to speak with this woman. She and the people she came with were very polite and nice to speak with. She and her family run a constuction business. If you can't see the smaller print, it says "I am not a crackpot- I am American." Well said.

The "Axis of Taxes" (Obama, Pelosi, & Reid)

Shake, Rattle & Roll. November, 2010. I like this slogan!! Short and to the point- very effective.

I don't think any captions are needed for the picture above. This young man may be about 11 or 12 years old.

This is one (above) that I REALLY liked. The blue on the bottom is to protect the child sitting in the buggy. I PROMISED that I would do this. While I am not a parent, I can appreciate the concern of a parent & someone using their child's image anywhere. I said to her "don't give them any ideas because they might consider it." Last decade, the City of Chicago attempted to create a (are you ready for this)..........
a tax out tax!!!!!!!!! That's right. They felt by taxing take out food, they could prevent garbage (and create revenue). Seriously folks. I couldn't make this up. It was this event that solidified where I stood as it relates to big government.

I believe this is Dan Proft, former candidate for Illinois Governor and business owner. He made one statement that really stood out for me- "if they won't stop, they need to BE stopped." The quote was in regards to the outrageous spending (among other things) we now see.

This is Andy Andrezeski, former Illinois Governor candidate (who I voted for). His phrase for the day, "Mr Madigan. Open the books." He is now involved with Open the Books IL, which proposes a forensic audit of the Illinois govt spending. I would like to see that done at the federal level. This is the Internet site for Open the Books IL.For listeners of WYLL, Sandy Rios is behind him (in the red jacket, and in the picture below). 

Talk show host, President of the Culture Campaign & Fox contributor Sandy Rios speaks. The audio and a transcript can be found on this link ( ). Below is her speech (done at a different Tea Party event):

A Vet, letting his view be known.

The remaining pictures speak for themselves so I won't add any commentary. Enjoy.