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Greater Chicago, Illinois, United States
A man of many interests.

Environmental Suckas- Bob Parks

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Chef's Catalog

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Something(s) comes to mind

Right now, I am not overly inspired so I just wanted to put this out for consumption. We heard "the last 8 years" and "the previous administration" alot in the news. Now I have a questions. How long will they (and those who think this way) keep saying this? George W Bush has been out of office for over one year now. The Democrats took over the house & senate in 2006, making the previously-mentioned George W Bush a lame duck. So now, what? How long will these phrases be the rule? As I touched upon (and tweeted last week), this administration is one year into the process. Now, you know you've been duped if they keep using this phrase in 2011 (I BET there will still be people who use one or both phrases).

Now what about all this "work together" talk? Seriously. They wanted to create health care reform so what did they do? The created a 600 page document. That wasn't big enough. So the small party who created this bill, grew it to 2700-plus pages? The coin has 2 sides to it. First, you say the Republicans don't want to work together to pass health care reform. I tried to read the 600-plus page version and I would have distanced myself from this too. The other side to this is why creating a bill so huge? The answer is simple. Imagine you're buying a product of some sort. Then if it requires a contract of any sort, you must read all the terms. Imagine reading a five page contract for buying product "X" and then read it 540 times more. This gives you a small visual of what that 2700 pages looks like. The difference is if you read the 5 page document 540 times, chances are you'll find something hidden (e.g., contract-ese). You mean to tell me that you create a 2700 page bill and then tell me you're NOT trying to hide something??? I bet you want to sell me some nice vacation property in Sahara desert, too.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

"Education, Self-Government and Our Current Crisis"

This was one heck of a speech. Check this out as time permits to do so. I can't take credit for this speech, given by Larry P. Arnn President, Hillsdale College. Check out the Hillsdale College's YouTube page

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Tornado Are NOTHING to Take Lightly

Now what in the world would make me want to blog about a tornado.... especially in January? That's easy. I noticed on Twitter yesterday that many in Southern California had Tornado Warnings and most fell into two camps. Either they were unsure what to do or did not take it seriously. Both are equally dangerous and could prove to be deadly. One perfect example is this from Twitter: "PS instead of worrying about a simple "tornado" warning, we should worry about a damn earthquake.. Hot and sudden cold weather =earthquake!" Obviously (and I speak as kindly as I can), this person has NO idea what a tornado is capable of doing.

Below are two examles of how powerful a tornado can be and how quick it can hit.
A. Plainfield, Illinois (August, 1990), located about 30 miles west of Chicago, Illinois (1).

B. August, 2008. 5 CONFIRMED tornadoes in the Chicagoland area (1 in Northwest Indiana). Deep Red shows where the tornado warnings were issued and the tornado watches are in orange/gold. Count how many fronts came through and you will see that this is not something to play with.(2)

c. Cubs-Astros game on this day. You'll see how fast the final wave of this story hit, with winds confirmed over 90 mph (in the city of Chicago). Watch how fast this things hit. Notice the two "fans" who decide it would be a good idea to

Shorter, but just as powerful tape of the same night. Wrigley evacuation, 8/4/08.

What do you need to be concerned about if your hear a tornado watch (the conditions are right for a tornado to form). A tornado warning means a tornado or funnel cloud has been seen. Warning signs include a rapid shift in temperature (a drop of 10 degrees or more within 30 to 60 minutes), large dark grey or green clouds, hail and rain are the main symptoms. If you hear a noise that sound like a train (and you know a train station isn't close by) take cover. That is the sound of a tornado that has touched down.

A rehash of yesterday's weather alerts from Orange County. Do not be like the man who appears at the 2:45 minute point of this video.

So what do you do in the event of a tornado? Here are some simple steps to consider.
a. TAKE IMMEDIATE COVER. If you have a basement at your home, that's the place to go. Otherwise remain on the first floor and away from all windows. Stay out of all open areas. Make sure that you have a radio or flashlight at the minimum (both would be preferred). You man not want to worry about food but may not hurt to take a snack with you. At least it might calm you down. So don't take the "tornado warning..... nah it won't happen approach" because it can and happen very quickly. The National Weather Service takes doesn't issue tornado warnings because they have nothing better to do.

b. No basement, no problem. Go to a smaller room (such as a bathroom or a closet). If you live in an area where tornadoes are more a norm than exception, consider building a safe room somewhere on your property. If you can get under something heavy such as a heavy desk, that will also help you. Debris can possible fly through the walls so you may not want to get too close to them.

c. If you are outside and can't find shelter, find a low lying piece of land such as a ditch. Avoid bodies of water such as a river or lake due to a possibility of flooding. Mobile home owners need to get away immediately and follow the prior examples given. Avoid being in a heavily wooded area because the trees are not strong enough to hold you (as you will see below).

d. If you are in your car, get out and find some shelter. A tornado of any real strength can throw your car like a rag doll. Trying to outrun a tornado is equally dangerour because it can change directions with no warning. DO NOT park under an underpass because it can act more like a wind tunnel and the winds may become stronger there.

Works Cited:
1. "The History Channel" via YouTube.
2. Legend813a Channel, YouTube.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Dr Martin Luther King, Jr's Birthday is NOT a "Day of Service"

Tomorrow is the celebration of a great American, Dr Martin Luther King, Jr. He is a man that many of us in America appreciate because he became the face of what needed to change in this country. He followed the steps of his Dad first going to Morehouse and then becoming a Pastor (Ebenezer Baptist Church). He fought for the simple things that people today take so much for granted- living where they want to live, eating where one wanted to eat, and so many similar things.

As it relates to other parts of the King family, this I know is true.
1. At least one of his living children, Dr Bernice King, is a conservative Republican and makes no bones about it.
2. His niece, Dr Alveda King, is also a conservative Republican. She is the daughter of Dr. King's youngest brother, AD King, who died in 1969. She is currently a Senior Fellow at the Alexis de Tocqueville Institution.
3. Dr King's parents were both Republicans. In fact, he never (from what I have seen) voted for a Democrat until JFK. Robert Kennedy called the elder King after Dr King was arrested at an Atlanta sit in. Robert Kennedy would begin to tapp King's phone in 1963. J Edgar Hoover felt that Dr King was a communist.

Many know the significant events of Dr King's life as well and those can easily be blogged about individually. All that he did had a purpose. When dealing with Birmingham Bus company driver told then 42 year old passenger Rosa Parks to give up her seat (by the same driver she had a similar issue with years prior) and arrested, what did he do? He called a boycott of that company. That lasted over a year and eventually had his home bombed over that issue. The result was the US District court’s decision concerning Browder vs. Gayle, which ended legal racial segregation. It also began a battle with Jim Crow laws, which only were directed toward Black people. Leading marches against Jim Crow in places, like Selma, Alabama (Bloody Sunday, 1965), Chicago and its relationship to fair housing (1966), not to mention the Washington, 1963, where Dr King's Dream was shared with the world. The "I've been to the Mountaintop" speech was a prophetic as you could get when he said "I may not get there with you" but knew what he had to do. Less than one week after that speech, he was murdered. The Memphis Sanitation Workers strike, resulting from discrimination, unfair wages and conditions, would start in late February, 1968. This strike ended 8 days after Dr King was killed.

I decided to post the speeches below:

"I Have a Dream"

"I've been to the Mountaintop"

So after mentioning all of this (barely scratching the surface), how is it that this man's life can be treated so trivially? What do I mean? Under President Ronald Reagan, the first steps to honor this man were signed into law in 1983. Not long thereafter, President George H.W. Bush sealed the deal, assuring that it would remain a fixture in 1989.

This man gave his life to make the lives of others better so HOW in the world did this day become a "Day of Service" all of a sudden? Who came up with this? Who decided that instead of reflecting on the life and contributions of this great man and the examples he gave the world, only to turn it into nothing less than Arbor Day? National Day of Service???????? Please!!! If someone said it would be "Day of Justice", "Day of Freedom" or something of the like, I would have no problem with it at all. These are the qualities (two of many) that this man represented. So how is it that all of a sudden someone wants to call it a day of service? Or better yet, why? I wonder how much of Dr King's life, lessons and messages will be mentioned tomorrow. I am somewhat angry because this makes no sense whatsoever. It seems like someone want to keep the message but forget the messenger. Either that or someone had a bit too much time on their hands. What was wrong with it before? Schools and organizations would present fantastic events to celebrate Dr King's life and ideology. So why stop? You can easily pick a National Day of Service among 300-plus days of the year. Why do this on Dr King's birthday is beyond me. National Day of Service. Get real!! Then again, the birthdays of Washington and Lincoln either are celebrated as Presidents day or individually depending on where you live (Lincoln's birthday is a state holiday in Illinois). Then again, someone wanted to turn 9-11 into a day of service not a day of remembrance. Same thing at play here.

Dr King, who would have turned 81 this year had he lived, had an influence beyond his own borders. It's a shame that the people of Ireland (whose "Bloody Sunday" resulted in 14 dead men half of which were under 20 and countless others injured) might have a better understanding of this day that Americans do. If that day ever comes, shame on America as a people. National Day of Service? Give me a break!!! That's just me.

Friday, January 15, 2010

A Mixed Bag of Stuff

I'll just cut to the chase.

1. Gilbert Arenas. For those who don't know or have not heard, he is the NBA player (Washington Wizards)who broght a gun into his locker room. The gun was not loaded. He was suspended indefinitely by the NBA, citing violation of league policy.

While I am a firm believer in the second amendment, there are some other issues at play here:
a. This happened in Washington, D.C., where (as I understand) there is no legal concealed carry law.
b. Even if there were a concealed carry law, he being in the NBA overlaps that rule. He is a player in the league and the league has rules. You agree to them once you sign your contract. If you don't like it, don't take their money.
c. One story mentions that he actually pointed the gun at someone (there in the locker room). Gun owners. What is the number one rule of ownership (or one that's very high on the list)? DO NOT POINT A GUN AT ANYTHING UNLESS YOU INTEND TO SHOOT. So he pointed a gun and nothing happened. OK but look at the other side of the coin. HOW MANY accidents to we hear about where someone was injured or killed because someone pointed a gun at someone thinking it WASN'T loaded. What if a bullet was in the chamber and someone pulled the trigger? They he is indirectly responsible for the outcome regardless if he pulled th trigger or not.

I would not say kick him out of the league but him being suspended for the rest of the season would work for me. Should his contract be terminated? That would be decided on the wording and what "code of conduct" clauses are specified in that contract. I would say let the legal eagles handle this and let the law take its course.

2. This time last year (unless you lived in Massachusetts), you had no idea who Scott Brown was. He was a State Senator from that state. Know for having a strong conservative view on things such as free-markets and smaller government among other issues, he decided to run for the vacant seat held by Ted Kennedy, who passed away. The Democrats felt it would have no real competition for that seat, since this is one of the more powerful Democratic political bodies in the country (almost as the one in Chicago). For example, Attorney General Martha Coakley. OK. She's a sure thing right? Blessings of the party, all the key players behind her so it should be a quick trip to Washington, right?

In September, Brown decides to make a run for that seat. Then everything breaks loose. Slowly, Brown and those who support him (near and from a distance like me) got the word out about what Coakley is all about. Coakley used images of 9-11 and compared that to Brown (thos ads were quickly pulled). Then a series of botched cases by Coakley added futher steam to the Brown campaign. This seat is vital because this will all but destroy the potential "health care reform", "Cap and Trade" among a long list of foolishness. This article gives an example of what type of justice she represents(1). The article's title says some very strong (and documented) incident. Coakley didn't really think Brown would really be a threat. Guess what? The Coakley camp was wrong. Thanks for sleeping at the wheel.

3. This is beyond tragic. A level 7 earthquate hit Haiti. It is feared that between 50,000 to 100,000 people died in that quake. Not to mention those left behind in what was already dire condions. Haiti is one of, if not the poorest nation in the Western world. Most of the minimal income that comes in to that nation is via tourism. We saw how bad things were after Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans and how long it took to get back to normal their. There are no real words to explain what I saw on the TV. Total destruction may not do this justice. For those who can, give to those organizations that are doing work in Haiti. There will be a GREAT deal of work to do. Pray for that nation because they're going to need it.

Works Cited:
1. "Martha Coakley: Too immoral for Teddy Kennedy's seat" by Ann Coulter, December 9, 2009; WorldNetDaily commentary :