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My Fun Food Blog: The Empty Plate Adventures

AviGlatt Foods

About Me

Greater Chicago, Illinois, United States
A man of many interests.

Environmental Suckas- Bob Parks

Sirius Radio


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Chef's Catalog

Friday, October 23, 2009

In this last week alone..........

To name a few things:
1. This years 100th bank failed (currently standing at 105).
2. "Pay Czar" authorizes a 90% reduction in compensation for certain banks executives (cutting salary 90% and making execs keep stock for 5 years. Currently, most execs sell a portion of their stocks in 2-3 years).
3. A health care bill carrying a price of $1 Trillion dollars (over the next decade) has been proposed and is waiting for a vote.
4. Swine Flu/H1N1 virus spreads yet not enough vaccines to go around.
5. Unemployment is over 10% nationally.

So one question is that why is it no one is taking all of this seriously? Why is it an acceptable concept that the US Government can control (not oversee) everything we do? I'm just saying.

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