I have to show some love my liberal friends!! Why? Well, God commands me to do so no matter how much I don’t agree with them. Sometimes, though, I am almost ready to jump out of my skin when I hear them speak. I might even go this far to question if they REALLY believe what they’re saying. Some of the stuff gets me to the point of having to read comments multiple times just to make sure I read what I read.
Now come on you might say. Could it REALLY be that bad? It couldn’t have been that far off base, could it? You can judge for yourself (and I COULDN’T make these up):
Scenario #1: Let’s add a tax on all alcoholic drinks of 5%. This would be regardless if it were bought in a restaurant or in the store (in other words, a selective food tax). The proposal would, in theory, raise about $90 Million dollars in revenue for schools. After watching some communications among others, I noticed an interesting trend. Of those who were for this tax, none of them drank alcohol (I no longer do). That’s my first problem with this. My second issue is that even with all the money this could raise, what’s to make me (and them for that matter) believe the money will go where it was intended to go? None- you can’t do it. Our leaders have proven that with how medicare, medicaid and social security were squandered.
Scenario #2: Person has been without health insurance for almost 12 years. Yet they think Obamacare will help them. What he doesn’t realize is that the best case scenario is that initially, his issue will be covered. Eventually, a condition won’t be covered. The best case I’ve heard on Obamacare is that at first, it will be good but within 2-3 years, the monster rears its ugly head. That’s where things get dicey because the resources will be less than they once were. I have yet to hear one person in the medical profession say this Obamacare will work. It hasn’t worked elsewhere (without half you income or more going to pay for it). So many diseases that could have been treated but weren't? Why? Resources were exhausted.
Scenario #3: Let’s reform banks. Let’s tell them how to do business. Tell them they can’t charge “A”, “B”, or “C” for anything. The problem is that the intentions were good (I’ll be generous) but the results are bad. For example, overdraft will now have fees where previously they didn’t (other than an annual fee and interest). Free checking? At this rate, that's going to be like a pink elephant.
Scenario #4: The Patriot Act. They hated the thought of Internet and phone conversations being monitored was wrong. On on side, I knew that could cross some sensitive boundaries. On the other side, our country is at war and I have nothing to hide. People were mad about having to remove their shoes before boarding a plane. That's the worst thing ever. People went through the roof with the Patriot Act. Yet now, we have FULL BODY SCANNERS in airports where the image can be made clearly (especially if you've see the negatives). Not to mention a FULL BODY PAT DOWN of any passenger using the SAME GLOVES with each inspection? So much for sanitation and disease prevention.
Scenario #5: "Stimulus" will prevent unemployment from going over 8% and then eventually drop back. Wrong and wrong. In 2008, unemployment was just under 7% but now hovering around 10%. "Stimulus" will help the economy. Wrong again. In 2008 despite 2 active wars, debt to GDP (gross domestic product) was at 65%. At the rate this adminstration is going, US debt/GDP will eclipse 100% and Obamacare hasn't even been factored in yet.
I don't want to keep rattling off my frustrations. All we can do is stop what has been put into motion then undo it. I HOPE my friends who tend to be more liberal will understand that all this "change" will push the US off the cliff. Quit punishing people for taking a risk and being successful. Liberal thinkers have as some call a "soft tyrrany" and don't even know it yet. Let's hope they wake up before it's too late. I can only try to tell them that the modern form of liberalism is not good. It takes from the liberty and freedom from the very people they think they're helping.
My Fun Food Blog: The Empty Plate Adventures
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- john duncan
- Greater Chicago, Illinois, United States
- A man of many interests.
Environmental Suckas- Bob Parks
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Saturday, December 4, 2010
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Revisiting Squanto
I won't rehash what I wrote last year. What am I thankful for? My wonderful family and friends. Good health. A great country and the God that made this nation possible. I thankful for all the people past and present that makes this nation great. Squanto was such as man.
The more I read about this man, the more I noticed a parallel with another great American, Fredrick Douglass. They lives, while separated by over 200 years, went down similar paths. Both were sold into slavery, and both were instrumental in our nations history. It was Douglass who had interaction with Lincoln led to the end of slavery. It was Squanto who came over with John Smith after being taken captive. In a nutshell, did anyone ever wonder how a people from England could communicate with an indigenous people? I addressed than in the previous article. What make me upset is where rich history like this is being ignored. People really miss the real story behind a great men and women in US history. It's up to me and people who agree with this article's premise to bring this history to life.
This was the post I did last year.
This is an article I found on him:
I hope you enjoyed this little review of a prior post. Have a blessed and wonderful Thanksgiving!!!! Mine will be spend with my parents and extended family members. Football isn't the only reason to enjoy Thanksgiving but a very small reason. Give thanks for life, loved ones, friends, and being able to live in the greatest country in the world. Yes, I said this earlier but it's worth mentioning again.
New England over Detroit (no more than 10)
New Orleans over Dallas (no less than 14; if you eat late, this is the game you might be able to take a nice nap).
The more I read about this man, the more I noticed a parallel with another great American, Fredrick Douglass. They lives, while separated by over 200 years, went down similar paths. Both were sold into slavery, and both were instrumental in our nations history. It was Douglass who had interaction with Lincoln led to the end of slavery. It was Squanto who came over with John Smith after being taken captive. In a nutshell, did anyone ever wonder how a people from England could communicate with an indigenous people? I addressed than in the previous article. What make me upset is where rich history like this is being ignored. People really miss the real story behind a great men and women in US history. It's up to me and people who agree with this article's premise to bring this history to life.
This was the post I did last year.
This is an article I found on him:
I hope you enjoyed this little review of a prior post. Have a blessed and wonderful Thanksgiving!!!! Mine will be spend with my parents and extended family members. Football isn't the only reason to enjoy Thanksgiving but a very small reason. Give thanks for life, loved ones, friends, and being able to live in the greatest country in the world. Yes, I said this earlier but it's worth mentioning again.
New England over Detroit (no more than 10)
New Orleans over Dallas (no less than 14; if you eat late, this is the game you might be able to take a nice nap).
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
A Fine, Unqualified: The Sequal
A while back, I posted "A Fine Unqualified" discussing President Obama is unqualified to be President. The title was inspired when I heard a Pastor mentioning the we now have "a fine...qualified...African-American named Barack Obama" running for President (this was said during the primaries just before he took the lead). Now for the record, I don't hate the President (I do pray for him). I've never met him. The gist of that posting was simple. The intent was to look at our President and the qualifications of those before him. If you check it out, I explained that there were three areas where past Presidents had some lengthy experience which prepared them for office- those areas being military, business and government (via appointment or election). Each area is connected to the other two, some ways moreso than others. For example, as an elected or appointed official, you set the policies that could help business or assure the security of this nation. My feeling is that compared to past Presidents, President Obama's experiences in these areas doesn't come close to those before him.
Now, I am going to provide examples of how he's acted incompetently. An elected official make decisions that result one way (good) or or another (not good or none at all). One such example is the oil spill in Louisiana. By all accounts, that was a fluke. Sadly, many people lost their lives on this rig. What got me was the response. I am a BIG fan of Bobby Jindal, who I hope will run for President one day (if he keeps doing what he's doing). Days after, Governor Jindal wanted to get the oil spill cleaned up and actually had a plan to get it done. If you want an example of his leadership, do an engine search of his name and Hurricane Gustav and see what you find. Only one problem with this oil spill. Jindal could do nothing because it happened in the Gulf of Mexico, which is under federal control. The EPA and the White House did NOTHING but point a finger at BP. Governor Jindal faced being placed in jail if he took matters in his own hands (skimmers and other resouces to control the oil flow and stop futher spreading). Domestic and foreign vessels were ready and waiting to come help in the Gulf. One problem- President Obama refused to lift the Jones Act (preventing foreign ships operating in U.S. Territorial waters). Governor Jindal didn't speak about blaming BP because that wasn't imporatant at the time. Former President Clinton even said that emphasis of blaming BP was not the correct thing to do at that time (stop the oil from spreading, stop the leak, etc). As it relates to fault, former President Clinton said there would be a time to address that. What resulted? Over 100 days , oil spread from Louisiana to Florida, wetlands and wildlife ruined, and what's worse is that those people who could have been of help were basically ignored. What's the real shame here? A Hollywood actor (Kevin Kosner) had a solution before the leader of the free world (1). OK. Set up a fund to help the people of the Gulf. OK. Fine BP. OK. Punish BP? Check your 401k or other retirement accounts after that happened.
Here's a clip early on and other videos relating to this subject. This is an example of leadership (aka "get out of the way"): (2)
Forget about the fact that he's never run a state, platoon or business for a minute. Louis Farrakhan said something that was very interesting. Even he saw something didn't add up. While I agree with VERY little of what he says, he did make a very strong point. He asked "who selected a Junior Senate, who barely got his foot whet in the US Senate, and made him that he (from that position) could become President" of the United States (3)? VERY good question to ask. The example I mentioned here is just one. Other than running for office, what did President Obama do to receive the Nobel Peace Prize. The clip is below so you may hear what was said (he addressed a few things and you might catch some of this as curious but even HE asked a question; the quote I mentioned comes in about 1:30 mark):
How about bank/financial reform? The hope was to make banking more fair for all customers. On paper and in theory, it's not a bad idea. Here's the problem. Banks will make it up revenue in other ways from where they did before. For example, I went to my bank one day because I needed to address my overdraft protection (I did have a small balance at the time). There was either a $25.00 annual fee (it was waived if I didn't have an overdraft balance by anniversary date). I decided to keep the overdraft mainly because I used that account more as a back up. I was informed by the bank that for EACH OVERDRAFT PAID, I would be charged $34.00 to cover the payment. Now think about this (and this happens to people every so often). You go to the store, make a series of purchases, and make a mistake where your balance goes below $0.00 (for some it happens more than others). The last purchase that put you under balance was that $15.00 pizza you picked up nights before.
Before this "reform", you'd have the overdraft as a safety net, pay off the balance and all was well. Now, your $15.00 pizza just cost you $50.00 when it's said and done with an overdraft. I can't imagine trying to get credit or a loan un this "reform" as it's so called. Did I mention that banks were FORCED to make loans to people who couldn't afford to pay them. They used race as the culprit, saying minorities were being denied loans because of race. While there were some cases where that was true (if we're brutally honest), others were just not qualified to pay that loan off. The Community Reinvestment Act (4) has great intentions but somewhere down the road, someone twitsted. Now, what's the result? Mass foreclosures. Oh, did I mention the number of banks failures this year? From January 5 through March 26, 2010, a total of 40 banks failed alone. What's worse is that that number exceeds the number of failed banks (a total of 24) from June 25, 2004 (none failed from that date until February 2, 2007). The list has grow as this year has gone forward (5).
Now health care. Several LARGE companies announced 2011 charge-offs due to the Health Care Reform bill passed. Among them are Boeing, AK Steel, 3M (you'll see more later), John Deere, Verizon and Catapiller. So much for making insurance cheaper and being able to keep your Doctors. In fact, two of these companies announced charge offs the day after it was passed. Fast forward a few months after and people are now trying to find out what coverage can be purchased, how much it will cost and what exactly will it cover. I am still a bit concerned about our Presidents comments about "go home and take a pill" as a "solution" for coverage. Fast forward to September 23, 2010- I hear people angry about how their rates went UP, anywhere between 15-30% (and in some cases, covering less than what they had before). That's not all sadly. More large companies are either ending coverage or dramatically changed for all current employees and retirees. More companies may follow the examples below. Thnk I'm kidding? Here are some examples below:
a. McDonalds considering not to offer health care coverage to its 30,000 employees (6). Think about this. One of the most profitable companies on the planet not being able to offer health insurance to its people. Does that sound odd? I know for a fact the McDonalds has (or at least had) very good benefits (having known some people who worked for them).
b. In less than 7 days after this, 3M announces changes to retirees benefits plans. Not to mention that several Health Care providers have discontinued "Child Only" coverage plans (7).
What inspired me to close here is a woman named Velma Hart and sportscaster Steven A Smith. How is she? She is the woman who went to a CNBC Town Hall meeting and said that she was tired of defending the Obama Administration. These clips will set the table on how I feel:
Velma Hart at Town Hall (8)
Steven A Smith & Mark Levin on 2 segments (9):
About 1 year ago (10),
President Obama and this Democratic legislative majority passed a stimulus and said that unemployment rate would stop at 8% and steadily drop. He also mentioned that we would control spending. Well, as it stands now, unemployment is still hovering around 9.7% and the GDP/Debt ratio JUMPED to 98% (11), both numbers nearly doubled from 10 years prior. Our stock markets are coming back. Yes, there was a big jump in the Dow & NASDAQ. The problem is the average daily volumes are much lower than moving averages. A 5-10% drop would be bad enough but 25% (seen August to September), not good. The closer a stock stays to its average, the more stable things are (lower average means the money isn't flowing in and the obvious buyers aren't buying). I think the markets will be ok to end 2010 but 2011, should the policies this administration put into place aren't stop, things can get very ugly. Gold is at over $1300/ounce (some think it could reach $2000 or more in 2011- only time will tell us what happens).
I hate to be negative here but I'm only telling you what I see. Do you see the same thing I'm seeing? Why is it that people are missing here? Is this an illusion? I hate to think Americans still think all of this "hope and change has (and actually will) work. I only reflect on comments made by Velma Hart and Steven A Smith (listed above). They represent a growing number of people who see this Trojan horse for what it is. Mrs Hart asked a simple question- "is this my new reality"- for her and for America while we're at it. Steven A Smith dealt with the issues very directly. While he is best known as a sportscaster, he has a basic understanding of what's going on now (I think the videos prove it). Bill Clinton, Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton among many who said he wasn't ready for the job. They tried to warn America but failed to listen (let's remember that the Clinton tried to do this National Health Care back in the 1990's but Republicans managed to stop it). They saw what Hannity and others saw and most of America failed to heed their warning. The next 22 days have a level of importance that many understand but some don't. We have not only the opportunity but the duty to remove the people who put these policies in place. If the powers that be remain there, the examples I mentioned are only the tip of the iceberg and the American society is the Titanic. Any questions? I didn't think so.
1. "BP oil spill: Kevin Costner's oil-water separation machines help with clean-up", Guardian.co.uk, June 16, 2010 http://www.guardian.co.uk/environment/2010/jun/16/kevin-costner-oil-spill-machines
2. "CNN: Bobby Jindal Press Conference video", June 1, 2010, taken from MoxNewsDotCom's YouTube page.
3. "We Count" Conference", March 20, 2010, moderated by Tavis Smiley, taken from Keywiki YouTube page http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Zw-1Eu4v_g
4. "Community Reinvestmet Act" taken fromthe Federal Financial Institution Economic; Council: http://www.ffiec.gov/cra/
5. "FDIC Failed Bank List" taken from the FDIC Internet site, http://www.fdic.gov/bank/individual/failed/banklist.html
6. "McDonald's Says it May Drop Health Plan", Janet Adamy, Wall Street Journal Online, September 30, 2010: http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748703431604575522413101063070.html
7. "The Emerging Obamacare Massacre", David Hogberg, Inverstors Business Daily Online, Octobor 4, 2010: http://blogs.investors.com/capitalhill/index.php/home/35-politicsinvesting/2108-the-emerging-obamacare-massacre
8. "CNBC Town Hall Meeting", September 20, 2010, taken from GordonWayneWatts YouTube page.
9. "Mark Levin Show audio", July 1, 2010 radio segment, taken from the MrTimotheus85 YouTube pge.
10. "Mark Levin Show audio", September, 2009 radio interview segment, taken from theWelovesarahpalin YouTube page.
11. "The Worlds Biggest Debtor Nations", Paul Tuscano; September 30, 2010; CNBC Internet site, http://www.cnbc.com/id/30308959/The_World_s_Biggest_Debtor_Nations
Now, I am going to provide examples of how he's acted incompetently. An elected official make decisions that result one way (good) or or another (not good or none at all). One such example is the oil spill in Louisiana. By all accounts, that was a fluke. Sadly, many people lost their lives on this rig. What got me was the response. I am a BIG fan of Bobby Jindal, who I hope will run for President one day (if he keeps doing what he's doing). Days after, Governor Jindal wanted to get the oil spill cleaned up and actually had a plan to get it done. If you want an example of his leadership, do an engine search of his name and Hurricane Gustav and see what you find. Only one problem with this oil spill. Jindal could do nothing because it happened in the Gulf of Mexico, which is under federal control. The EPA and the White House did NOTHING but point a finger at BP. Governor Jindal faced being placed in jail if he took matters in his own hands (skimmers and other resouces to control the oil flow and stop futher spreading). Domestic and foreign vessels were ready and waiting to come help in the Gulf. One problem- President Obama refused to lift the Jones Act (preventing foreign ships operating in U.S. Territorial waters). Governor Jindal didn't speak about blaming BP because that wasn't imporatant at the time. Former President Clinton even said that emphasis of blaming BP was not the correct thing to do at that time (stop the oil from spreading, stop the leak, etc). As it relates to fault, former President Clinton said there would be a time to address that. What resulted? Over 100 days , oil spread from Louisiana to Florida, wetlands and wildlife ruined, and what's worse is that those people who could have been of help were basically ignored. What's the real shame here? A Hollywood actor (Kevin Kosner) had a solution before the leader of the free world (1). OK. Set up a fund to help the people of the Gulf. OK. Fine BP. OK. Punish BP? Check your 401k or other retirement accounts after that happened.
Here's a clip early on and other videos relating to this subject. This is an example of leadership (aka "get out of the way"): (2)
Forget about the fact that he's never run a state, platoon or business for a minute. Louis Farrakhan said something that was very interesting. Even he saw something didn't add up. While I agree with VERY little of what he says, he did make a very strong point. He asked "who selected a Junior Senate, who barely got his foot whet in the US Senate, and made him that he (from that position) could become President" of the United States (3)? VERY good question to ask. The example I mentioned here is just one. Other than running for office, what did President Obama do to receive the Nobel Peace Prize. The clip is below so you may hear what was said (he addressed a few things and you might catch some of this as curious but even HE asked a question; the quote I mentioned comes in about 1:30 mark):
How about bank/financial reform? The hope was to make banking more fair for all customers. On paper and in theory, it's not a bad idea. Here's the problem. Banks will make it up revenue in other ways from where they did before. For example, I went to my bank one day because I needed to address my overdraft protection (I did have a small balance at the time). There was either a $25.00 annual fee (it was waived if I didn't have an overdraft balance by anniversary date). I decided to keep the overdraft mainly because I used that account more as a back up. I was informed by the bank that for EACH OVERDRAFT PAID, I would be charged $34.00 to cover the payment. Now think about this (and this happens to people every so often). You go to the store, make a series of purchases, and make a mistake where your balance goes below $0.00 (for some it happens more than others). The last purchase that put you under balance was that $15.00 pizza you picked up nights before.
Before this "reform", you'd have the overdraft as a safety net, pay off the balance and all was well. Now, your $15.00 pizza just cost you $50.00 when it's said and done with an overdraft. I can't imagine trying to get credit or a loan un this "reform" as it's so called. Did I mention that banks were FORCED to make loans to people who couldn't afford to pay them. They used race as the culprit, saying minorities were being denied loans because of race. While there were some cases where that was true (if we're brutally honest), others were just not qualified to pay that loan off. The Community Reinvestment Act (4) has great intentions but somewhere down the road, someone twitsted. Now, what's the result? Mass foreclosures. Oh, did I mention the number of banks failures this year? From January 5 through March 26, 2010, a total of 40 banks failed alone. What's worse is that that number exceeds the number of failed banks (a total of 24) from June 25, 2004 (none failed from that date until February 2, 2007). The list has grow as this year has gone forward (5).
Now health care. Several LARGE companies announced 2011 charge-offs due to the Health Care Reform bill passed. Among them are Boeing, AK Steel, 3M (you'll see more later), John Deere, Verizon and Catapiller. So much for making insurance cheaper and being able to keep your Doctors. In fact, two of these companies announced charge offs the day after it was passed. Fast forward a few months after and people are now trying to find out what coverage can be purchased, how much it will cost and what exactly will it cover. I am still a bit concerned about our Presidents comments about "go home and take a pill" as a "solution" for coverage. Fast forward to September 23, 2010- I hear people angry about how their rates went UP, anywhere between 15-30% (and in some cases, covering less than what they had before). That's not all sadly. More large companies are either ending coverage or dramatically changed for all current employees and retirees. More companies may follow the examples below. Thnk I'm kidding? Here are some examples below:
a. McDonalds considering not to offer health care coverage to its 30,000 employees (6). Think about this. One of the most profitable companies on the planet not being able to offer health insurance to its people. Does that sound odd? I know for a fact the McDonalds has (or at least had) very good benefits (having known some people who worked for them).
b. In less than 7 days after this, 3M announces changes to retirees benefits plans. Not to mention that several Health Care providers have discontinued "Child Only" coverage plans (7).
What inspired me to close here is a woman named Velma Hart and sportscaster Steven A Smith. How is she? She is the woman who went to a CNBC Town Hall meeting and said that she was tired of defending the Obama Administration. These clips will set the table on how I feel:
Velma Hart at Town Hall (8)
Steven A Smith & Mark Levin on 2 segments (9):
About 1 year ago (10),
President Obama and this Democratic legislative majority passed a stimulus and said that unemployment rate would stop at 8% and steadily drop. He also mentioned that we would control spending. Well, as it stands now, unemployment is still hovering around 9.7% and the GDP/Debt ratio JUMPED to 98% (11), both numbers nearly doubled from 10 years prior. Our stock markets are coming back. Yes, there was a big jump in the Dow & NASDAQ. The problem is the average daily volumes are much lower than moving averages. A 5-10% drop would be bad enough but 25% (seen August to September), not good. The closer a stock stays to its average, the more stable things are (lower average means the money isn't flowing in and the obvious buyers aren't buying). I think the markets will be ok to end 2010 but 2011, should the policies this administration put into place aren't stop, things can get very ugly. Gold is at over $1300/ounce (some think it could reach $2000 or more in 2011- only time will tell us what happens).
I hate to be negative here but I'm only telling you what I see. Do you see the same thing I'm seeing? Why is it that people are missing here? Is this an illusion? I hate to think Americans still think all of this "hope and change has (and actually will) work. I only reflect on comments made by Velma Hart and Steven A Smith (listed above). They represent a growing number of people who see this Trojan horse for what it is. Mrs Hart asked a simple question- "is this my new reality"- for her and for America while we're at it. Steven A Smith dealt with the issues very directly. While he is best known as a sportscaster, he has a basic understanding of what's going on now (I think the videos prove it). Bill Clinton, Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton among many who said he wasn't ready for the job. They tried to warn America but failed to listen (let's remember that the Clinton tried to do this National Health Care back in the 1990's but Republicans managed to stop it). They saw what Hannity and others saw and most of America failed to heed their warning. The next 22 days have a level of importance that many understand but some don't. We have not only the opportunity but the duty to remove the people who put these policies in place. If the powers that be remain there, the examples I mentioned are only the tip of the iceberg and the American society is the Titanic. Any questions? I didn't think so.
1. "BP oil spill: Kevin Costner's oil-water separation machines help with clean-up", Guardian.co.uk, June 16, 2010 http://www.guardian.co.uk/environment/2010/jun/16/kevin-costner-oil-spill-machines
2. "CNN: Bobby Jindal Press Conference video", June 1, 2010, taken from MoxNewsDotCom's YouTube page.
3. "We Count" Conference", March 20, 2010, moderated by Tavis Smiley, taken from Keywiki YouTube page http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Zw-1Eu4v_g
4. "Community Reinvestmet Act" taken fromthe Federal Financial Institution Economic; Council: http://www.ffiec.gov/cra/
5. "FDIC Failed Bank List" taken from the FDIC Internet site, http://www.fdic.gov/bank/individual/failed/banklist.html
6. "McDonald's Says it May Drop Health Plan", Janet Adamy, Wall Street Journal Online, September 30, 2010: http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748703431604575522413101063070.html
7. "The Emerging Obamacare Massacre", David Hogberg, Inverstors Business Daily Online, Octobor 4, 2010: http://blogs.investors.com/capitalhill/index.php/home/35-politicsinvesting/2108-the-emerging-obamacare-massacre
8. "CNBC Town Hall Meeting", September 20, 2010, taken from GordonWayneWatts YouTube page.
9. "Mark Levin Show audio", July 1, 2010 radio segment, taken from the MrTimotheus85 YouTube pge.
10. "Mark Levin Show audio", September, 2009 radio interview segment, taken from theWelovesarahpalin YouTube page.
11. "The Worlds Biggest Debtor Nations", Paul Tuscano; September 30, 2010; CNBC Internet site, http://www.cnbc.com/id/30308959/The_World_s_Biggest_Debtor_Nations
Monday, August 2, 2010
Between the Berlin Wall: Todays American Mindset
Last November, I blogged about the 20th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall, one of the great events of the last century. We thought communism was, for all purposes, dead. While communism hasn’t died totally, the once Iron Curtain is gone. Through a chain of events, I had planned to be in Berlin last November but those plans fell through.
So what does this title, "The Berlin Wall Mindset: Today’s American Entitlements", have to do with all I’ve said up to this point? I recalled this because of someone I was seeing briefly. She was a German nanny (age 18, I was 20 at the time). She was from Bremen and was in the US to study Spanish (go figure). During the brief time I had with her, I learned a lot of interesting things. We talked about the Berlin Wall I shared that we had a major earthquake a few weeks prior (Loma Prieta, October, 1989, during the World Series). I, in typical American fashion, said how wonderful it was that it fell. She said as a whole, things were good but there were some things she said and were pretty profound (especially considering she was 18 at the time). She mentioned that the East Germans who came over to the West (to sum up what she said) had a certain mentality. She said that many East Germans didn’t want to work, attend school, contribute and expect to have things done for them. Does this sound familiar? You have one group of people who want to do their own thing and be left alone (West Germans) while another group is conditioned to entitlements (East Germans). This is not to say EVERY East German believed in entitlements because many tried to flee East Germany. Some were placed in prison or killed if they didn’t manage to escape. There are both segments seen in post Berlin Wall Germany that I see here in the United States. Two types of mentalities seperated by one giant wall.
Now, in fairness to the East Germans, THAT is the way they were conditioned to think. Many didn’t know any better. The Wall went up in 1961 so if you were born around that time, this is all you were told. Do what the State tells you to do. The State is the answer for everything. That’s why so many East Germans left after World War II- they either knew better or saw that all the opportunities were in West Germany. That’s part of why the Wall was built- so more East Germans can’t leave. But we, in America, should know better. I have never seen the level of reliance on the State for their own well being that I see now. People expect someone else to pay for their needs and the State is their savior. How is it that people think the State can provide what is best for your health and well-being? The East Germans relied on the State because they had NO other sources. Now, the Obama administration, instead of creating policies to create jobs, they extend unemployment benefits and call it growth. They say that the job picture is getting better but wait until the census is done and those jobs are gone. When the businesses who put this administration in the White House are telling them you may want to rethink the strategy, you would think they would listen (especially when one of which is one of the 3 wealthiest people in the world).
While the US isn’t perfect (no place where man rules will ever be), it provides the best chance for people to be successful and enjoy their lives. In East Germany, you were basically told what you could listen to, what to read, and how your life is governed. You were monitored in your every move and if you got out of line, the Stasi (State Police) “fixed” the problem. Many Stasi members were former Nazi SS (1). This entire attempt to silence those who disagree with this administration is as close as I have ever come to East Germany life. East Germany also had high unemployment. Among those who did work, they worked longer hours, made less money, made few consumer good and were often lower quality than those in West Germany and other places. East Germany also was big on preaching “collectivism” and things of the like. What’s worse is that too many people in the United States are buying this thinking on a much greater scale than before. Well, they had free health care. Sure, socialist health care works like a charm. Just ask Boris Yeltsin, who couldn’t get the proper care for HIS OWN MOTHER while he was running Russia. Russia, who picked the East German’s pockets for post war compensation, ended the same way as East Germany- BROKE. Yet so many Americans actually want to immulate a system that never worked. Look at the differences between the cars East Germans drove versus West Germans (think Yugo for the East and a Caddy for the West). This is one more example of making an individual part of the collective when most don’t want to do so. Collectivism is statism no matter how you slice it. I do not work for the collective but for myself. A person should share as their conscience leads them but should not be forced to do so.
Economically, the East Germans were deep in debt to the USSR post World War II. Does that sound familiar? The United State is heavily in debt to China. In fact, China holds over 900 Billion dollars in US debt (2). Japan is not far behind with over $700 Billion in US debt. Too many Americans think that this health care reform will work. Let’s follow Germany, the United Kingdom and other who realize national health care doesn’t work. In fact, the UK is making a move toward decentralizing health care. Yet the US wants to imitate something that hasn’t worked elsewhere. So Scandinavia made national health care work. OK, fair enough. The countries that make up Scandinavia has a total population that’s not much bigger than the five boroughs of New York City.
To think I can make comparisons of a former Iron Curtain country with the greatest nation on the planet. This does concern me a great deal, especially since US GPD is over 95% of National Debt, the highest it’s been since Truman (3). It wasn’t until LBJ that National Debt as GDP where it back under 50%. What can I hope for? I hope this radical element talking about wealth redistribution and collective salvation (ALL Marxist ideologies) are removed from power via our elections. There is hope since I see more Americans understand what is happening in our country. If there’s one time I WISH and HOPE I AM WRONG, this is it.
Works Cited:
1. DW-World.de, 10/31/2008 article: http://www.dw-world.de/dw/article/0,,1760980,00.html
2. CNBC.com, “The Biggest Holders of US Debt”, Paul Toscano, June 15, 2010:
3. National Debt Graph: http://zfacts.com/p/318.html
So what does this title, "The Berlin Wall Mindset: Today’s American Entitlements", have to do with all I’ve said up to this point? I recalled this because of someone I was seeing briefly. She was a German nanny (age 18, I was 20 at the time). She was from Bremen and was in the US to study Spanish (go figure). During the brief time I had with her, I learned a lot of interesting things. We talked about the Berlin Wall I shared that we had a major earthquake a few weeks prior (Loma Prieta, October, 1989, during the World Series). I, in typical American fashion, said how wonderful it was that it fell. She said as a whole, things were good but there were some things she said and were pretty profound (especially considering she was 18 at the time). She mentioned that the East Germans who came over to the West (to sum up what she said) had a certain mentality. She said that many East Germans didn’t want to work, attend school, contribute and expect to have things done for them. Does this sound familiar? You have one group of people who want to do their own thing and be left alone (West Germans) while another group is conditioned to entitlements (East Germans). This is not to say EVERY East German believed in entitlements because many tried to flee East Germany. Some were placed in prison or killed if they didn’t manage to escape. There are both segments seen in post Berlin Wall Germany that I see here in the United States. Two types of mentalities seperated by one giant wall.
Now, in fairness to the East Germans, THAT is the way they were conditioned to think. Many didn’t know any better. The Wall went up in 1961 so if you were born around that time, this is all you were told. Do what the State tells you to do. The State is the answer for everything. That’s why so many East Germans left after World War II- they either knew better or saw that all the opportunities were in West Germany. That’s part of why the Wall was built- so more East Germans can’t leave. But we, in America, should know better. I have never seen the level of reliance on the State for their own well being that I see now. People expect someone else to pay for their needs and the State is their savior. How is it that people think the State can provide what is best for your health and well-being? The East Germans relied on the State because they had NO other sources. Now, the Obama administration, instead of creating policies to create jobs, they extend unemployment benefits and call it growth. They say that the job picture is getting better but wait until the census is done and those jobs are gone. When the businesses who put this administration in the White House are telling them you may want to rethink the strategy, you would think they would listen (especially when one of which is one of the 3 wealthiest people in the world).
While the US isn’t perfect (no place where man rules will ever be), it provides the best chance for people to be successful and enjoy their lives. In East Germany, you were basically told what you could listen to, what to read, and how your life is governed. You were monitored in your every move and if you got out of line, the Stasi (State Police) “fixed” the problem. Many Stasi members were former Nazi SS (1). This entire attempt to silence those who disagree with this administration is as close as I have ever come to East Germany life. East Germany also had high unemployment. Among those who did work, they worked longer hours, made less money, made few consumer good and were often lower quality than those in West Germany and other places. East Germany also was big on preaching “collectivism” and things of the like. What’s worse is that too many people in the United States are buying this thinking on a much greater scale than before. Well, they had free health care. Sure, socialist health care works like a charm. Just ask Boris Yeltsin, who couldn’t get the proper care for HIS OWN MOTHER while he was running Russia. Russia, who picked the East German’s pockets for post war compensation, ended the same way as East Germany- BROKE. Yet so many Americans actually want to immulate a system that never worked. Look at the differences between the cars East Germans drove versus West Germans (think Yugo for the East and a Caddy for the West). This is one more example of making an individual part of the collective when most don’t want to do so. Collectivism is statism no matter how you slice it. I do not work for the collective but for myself. A person should share as their conscience leads them but should not be forced to do so.
Economically, the East Germans were deep in debt to the USSR post World War II. Does that sound familiar? The United State is heavily in debt to China. In fact, China holds over 900 Billion dollars in US debt (2). Japan is not far behind with over $700 Billion in US debt. Too many Americans think that this health care reform will work. Let’s follow Germany, the United Kingdom and other who realize national health care doesn’t work. In fact, the UK is making a move toward decentralizing health care. Yet the US wants to imitate something that hasn’t worked elsewhere. So Scandinavia made national health care work. OK, fair enough. The countries that make up Scandinavia has a total population that’s not much bigger than the five boroughs of New York City.
To think I can make comparisons of a former Iron Curtain country with the greatest nation on the planet. This does concern me a great deal, especially since US GPD is over 95% of National Debt, the highest it’s been since Truman (3). It wasn’t until LBJ that National Debt as GDP where it back under 50%. What can I hope for? I hope this radical element talking about wealth redistribution and collective salvation (ALL Marxist ideologies) are removed from power via our elections. There is hope since I see more Americans understand what is happening in our country. If there’s one time I WISH and HOPE I AM WRONG, this is it.
Works Cited:
1. DW-World.de, 10/31/2008 article: http://www.dw-world.de/dw/article/0,,1760980,00.html
2. CNBC.com, “The Biggest Holders of US Debt”, Paul Toscano, June 15, 2010:
3. National Debt Graph: http://zfacts.com/p/318.html
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Edgar Guest's "The Cheat"
As I read this poem, there is more than meets the eye. Don't let the title fool you. There is more to this poem than meets the eye. I'm tempted to fill in the details but I think I would be cheating you (no pun intended but I think you may see where this is going). Imagine cheating a friend in a way you least expect and you'll get the moral of the story. This is one message to remember.
Taken from http://sofinesjoyfulmoments.com/quotes/theCheat.htm
"The Cheat"
by Edgar Guest
I cheated a good friend yesterday,
Kept what was his, and went my way,
Wronged him by silence-for in haste
I let a glad thought go to waste.
I had a word of cheer to speak,
To strengthen him when he grew weak,
To send him smiling on his way -
But what I thought I didn't say.
He would have richer been to know
That deed of his had pleased me so,
But oh, I failed to let him see
How much his conquest meant to me.
I cheated him of words of praise
Which would have cheered his troubled days;
In this a faithful friend I wronged,
By keeping what to him belonged.
The praise was his by right to hear,
To him belonged my word of cheer;
In silence, though, from him I turned
And cheated him of what he'd earned.
Taken from http://sofinesjoyfulmoments.com/quotes/theCheat.htm
"The Cheat"
by Edgar Guest
I cheated a good friend yesterday,
Kept what was his, and went my way,
Wronged him by silence-for in haste
I let a glad thought go to waste.
I had a word of cheer to speak,
To strengthen him when he grew weak,
To send him smiling on his way -
But what I thought I didn't say.
He would have richer been to know
That deed of his had pleased me so,
But oh, I failed to let him see
How much his conquest meant to me.
I cheated him of words of praise
Which would have cheered his troubled days;
In this a faithful friend I wronged,
By keeping what to him belonged.
The praise was his by right to hear,
To him belonged my word of cheer;
In silence, though, from him I turned
And cheated him of what he'd earned.
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Edgar Guest's "Influence"
I'm really becoming a fan of Edgar Guest. It seems his poetry has not only a wonderful writing style but a very powerful and/or positive message. His poetry is also pretty profound. This poem is no exception.
This topic is about influence you have on others. If I taught English at the high school or college level, Guest's work would be a part of the reading list. I think you will enjoy this. It may be worth committing to memory (as of yet, I have not).
by Edgar Guest
(as taken from http://sofinesjoyfulmoments.com/quotes/influence.htm)
This I think as I go my way:
What can matter the words I say,
And what can matter the false or true
Of any deed I am moved to do?
This I think as I go along:
What can matter my right or wrong?
Whichever path I may choose to take,
What possible difference can it make?
This I think as I go to town:
What can matter my smile or frown?
Can any one's destiny altered be
For better or worse because of me?
And something whispers;
"Another may be sadly deceived
By the words you say.
And another, believing and trusting you,
May be led astray by the things you do."
"For much that never you'll see or know
Will mark your days as you come and go.
And in countless lives that you'll never learn
The best and the worst of you will return."
This topic is about influence you have on others. If I taught English at the high school or college level, Guest's work would be a part of the reading list. I think you will enjoy this. It may be worth committing to memory (as of yet, I have not).
by Edgar Guest
(as taken from http://sofinesjoyfulmoments.com/quotes/influence.htm)
This I think as I go my way:
What can matter the words I say,
And what can matter the false or true
Of any deed I am moved to do?
This I think as I go along:
What can matter my right or wrong?
Whichever path I may choose to take,
What possible difference can it make?
This I think as I go to town:
What can matter my smile or frown?
Can any one's destiny altered be
For better or worse because of me?
And something whispers;
"Another may be sadly deceived
By the words you say.
And another, believing and trusting you,
May be led astray by the things you do."
"For much that never you'll see or know
Will mark your days as you come and go.
And in countless lives that you'll never learn
The best and the worst of you will return."
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Edgar Guest's "Life's Slacker"
I decided it would be a good idea to post this. Guest is a guy I wished I was exposed to earlier that I was. He's a VERY cleaver writer. This story is no exception (taken from http://www.poemhunter.com/poem/life-s-slacker/)
Life's Slacker
by Edgar Guest
The saddest sort of death to die
Would be to quit the game called life
And know, beneath the gentle sky,
You'd lived a slacker in the strife.
That nothing men on earth would find
To mark the spot that you had filled;
That you must go and leave behind
No patch of soil your hands had tilled.
I know no greater shame than this:
To feel that yours were empty years;
That after death no man would miss
Your presence in this vale of tears;
That you had breathed the fragrant air
And sat by kindly fires that burn,
And in earth's riches had a share
But gave no labor in return.
Yet some men die this way, nor care:
They enter and they leave life's door
And at the end, their record's bare—
The world's no better than before.
A few false tears are shed, and then,
In busy service, they're forgot.
We have no time to mourn for men
Who lived on earth but served it not.
A man in perfect peace to die
Must leave some mark of toil behind,
Some building towering to the sky,
Some symbol that his heart was kind,
Some roadway where strange feet may tread
That out of gratitude he made;
He cannot bravely look ahead
Unless his debt to life is paid.
Life's Slacker
by Edgar Guest
The saddest sort of death to die
Would be to quit the game called life
And know, beneath the gentle sky,
You'd lived a slacker in the strife.
That nothing men on earth would find
To mark the spot that you had filled;
That you must go and leave behind
No patch of soil your hands had tilled.
I know no greater shame than this:
To feel that yours were empty years;
That after death no man would miss
Your presence in this vale of tears;
That you had breathed the fragrant air
And sat by kindly fires that burn,
And in earth's riches had a share
But gave no labor in return.
Yet some men die this way, nor care:
They enter and they leave life's door
And at the end, their record's bare—
The world's no better than before.
A few false tears are shed, and then,
In busy service, they're forgot.
We have no time to mourn for men
Who lived on earth but served it not.
A man in perfect peace to die
Must leave some mark of toil behind,
Some building towering to the sky,
Some symbol that his heart was kind,
Some roadway where strange feet may tread
That out of gratitude he made;
He cannot bravely look ahead
Unless his debt to life is paid.
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
A Fine... Un-Qualified..........
Before your read this, play the video about Barack Omama below. In this youtube video (taken from the RNC's YouTube page), you will notice that even DEMOCRATS understood what was about to happen. His own party saw what could happen if this man became President.
If we think about the oil spill alone, I think that underscores the incompetence in Washington. In fact, I can recall a preacher talking about a fine leader (and that’s up for debate). But then the preacher goes further. He erupts in to mentioning “but now we have a fine…..qualified…..African American…..named Barack Obama”, with a more than enthusiastic congregation joining in. Canada, Denmark and several other countries have offered help with this oil spill, yet this President won’t accept it. As this saga goes on, I think back to the quote I just mentioned. This preacher (recently retired at 87 years old and over 60 years in ministry), had an indirect connection to Saul Alinsky through the Woodlawn Organization. Alinsky was a consultant through his Industrial Areas Foundation (1).
Over the last few months, I looked back at past Presidents and compared their resumes with our current President. In fact, I went a bit further and compared some key players in the Democratic primary race. What I found was that there were 5 Senators with at least 8 years (Hillary Clinton was the least experienced but the rest had been Senators 13 years or more). I noticed until this President, something was different. Sure, his academic background (which to this day still hasn’t been verified) is equal to past President (if we take it at face value alone). I noticed that each President of modern times had a lengthy background in at least one of the follow areas:
a. Military- lengthy career achieving officer status.
b. Government experience- elected or appointed to a major office in the federal or state level.
c. Business- this would include owning or running a business at the executive level.
You think I’m wrong. Let’s go back to the start of the 20th century. Again, I will do this by list only. Thess are the things they did BEFORE they took office and the years of related experience:
-Teddy Roosevelt - former Lt Colonel, Congressional Medal of Honor winner, Governor, Vice President, President- 13 years (2).
- William Taft - extensive international experience and served as Secretary of War, served as an Appellate Judge, Superior Court Judge, and Governor General of the Philippines and Cuba- 17 years (3).
- Woodrow Wilson- former President of Princeton University, Governor of New Jersey ( also showed “Birth of a Nation” at the White House, typical Democratic form of that time; ole Woody was a swell guy)- 13 years; LENGHTY academic career (sound familiar) (4)
- Warren Harding- owned the Marion Day Star newspaper (which was broke when he bought it), Ohio State Senator, Ohio Lt Governor, US Senator- 15 plus years (5).
- Calvin Coolidge- State legislator, Governor of Massachusetts, Vice President- 20 plus years (6).
- Herbert Hoover- Mining engineer and manager, US Secretary of Commerce- 30 plus years (7).
- FDR- State Senator of New York, Asst Sec of the Navy- 13 years (8).
- Truman- National Guard, Judge, US Senator – over 30 years (9)
- Eisenhower- I shouldn’t need to do this but I will- the radio edit. 5 Star General, Supreme Allied Commander Europe, Educated at West Point, President of Columbia University-38 years (10).
- JFK- Naval Officer, Massachusetts House of Representatives, US Senator – 17 years (11).
- Johnson (LBJ): Naval Officer, House of Representatives, US Senate (served as Minority & Majority Whip), Vice President- 20 plus years (12).
- Nixon: Naval Officer, US House of Representatives, Vice President- 20 plus years (13).
- Ford: Military, House of Representatives Member, Vice President- 31 years (14).
- Carter: US Navy Officer/ US Naval Academy, Farm Owner, Governor- 29 years (15).
- Reagan: Governor- 8 years (16).
- GHW Bush (41): Military Officer, Business Owner, US House of Representatives, US Ambassador to the UN, CIA Director, US Liaison Office (China), Vice President, Director of Council of Foreign Relations, Vice President- 30-plus years (17).
- Clinton: Rhodes Scholar, Attorney General, Governor- 13 years (18).
- GW Bush: National Guard, Energy and Oil Sales, Business Owner (Texas Rangers), Governor- 13 years.
- Obama- Illinois (State and US) Senator 13 years total (barely full time US Senator for just over a year).
Now I'm not trying to sway opinion one way or another about the men listed above (those are issues onto themselves). These are the men who served as President going back to Theodore Roosevelt. If you take a look at this list, you may notice an interesting pattern. I counted 3 former Governors, 4 former Vice Presidents, several with extensive military experience, and a few business owners. Obama was a US Senator for barely 1 term. One year private sector business experience and no foreign policy experience. No experience with the military (not even at an ROTC level). There is nothing on this President resume that says he should be President. I can think about the Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan when he said these words- "Who selected a Jr Senator who handn't even got his feet wet in the US Senate & made him believe that he from that position could become President of the United States (20)." While I'm no fan, for him to say what he did should turn a head or two at the very least.
I have no problem with a man who wants to make his community better. The world would be a better if people cared more about the people and helping those in need. So you ran a community, and organized local organizations. No public sector experience. First Lady Obama at least worked for the University of Chicago hospital and has some private and public sector business (she was a member of the Treehouse Foods Board of Directors as well as the Chicago Board of Global Affairs). For the record, he wasn't even a tenure track Professor at the University of Chicago but a part time lecturer, as the video below will prove (22):
Every day, I wake up and HOPE I am wrong about everything that's happened in the last 18 months. This last campaign was ugly enough. What worries me is the future. My concern is that a qualified African American (and for that matter any minority) with a strong, documented track record may not get the chance because of what this man has done. In my entire life, I haven't seen the level of brute force (in passing bills and spending among other things) to the level this current administration and Congress is going now. If you're a person of prayer as I am and haven't been doing so, now may not be a bad time to start.
Works Cited:
1. Woodlawn Organization Internet Site: http://www.areachicago.org/p/issues/6808/woodlawn-organization/
2. Theo. Roosevelt Bio: http://www.theodoreroosevelt.org/life/biotr.htm
3. Taft Bio: http://www.ca6.uscourts.gov/lib_hist/courts/supreme/judges/taft/wht-bio.html
4. Wilson Bio: http://www.whitehouse.gov/about/presidents/woodrowwilson/
5. Harding bio: http://millercenter.org/academic/americanpresident/harding/essays/biography/1
6. Collidge bio: http://millercenter.org/academic/americanpresident/coolidge/essays/biography/1
7. Hoover Bio: http://www.historycentral.com/Bio/presidents/hoover.html
8. FDR Bio: http://www.u-s-history.com/pages/h1578.html
9. Truman Bio: http://www.trumanlibrary.org/hst-bio.htm
10. Eisenhower Bio: http://www.dwightdeisenhower.com/biodde.html
11. JFK Bio: http://www.whitehouse.gov/about/presidents/johnfkennedy
12. FDR Bio: http://bioguide.congress.gov/scripts/biodisplay.pl?index=J000160
13. Nixon Bio: http://www.whitehouse.gov/about/presidents/richardnixon
14. Ford: http://bioguide.congress.gov/scripts/biodisplay.pl?index=F000260
15. Carter: http://www.cartercenter.org/news/experts/jimmy_carter.html
16. Reagan: http://reagan2020.us/biography/ronald_reagan.asp
17. Bush (41): http://bioguide.congress.gov/scripts/biodisplay.pl?index=B001166
18. Clinton: http://www.whitehouse.gov/about/presidents/williamjclinton/
19. Bush (43): http://www.whitehouse.gov/about/presidents/georgewbush
20. Obama: http://bioguide.congress.gov/scripts/biodisplay.pl?index=o000167
21. Farrakhan: Obama was Selected Before Elected: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UthglMvQQyA
22. Professor John Lott interviewed on Mark Levin show.
If we think about the oil spill alone, I think that underscores the incompetence in Washington. In fact, I can recall a preacher talking about a fine leader (and that’s up for debate). But then the preacher goes further. He erupts in to mentioning “but now we have a fine…..qualified…..African American…..named Barack Obama”, with a more than enthusiastic congregation joining in. Canada, Denmark and several other countries have offered help with this oil spill, yet this President won’t accept it. As this saga goes on, I think back to the quote I just mentioned. This preacher (recently retired at 87 years old and over 60 years in ministry), had an indirect connection to Saul Alinsky through the Woodlawn Organization. Alinsky was a consultant through his Industrial Areas Foundation (1).
Over the last few months, I looked back at past Presidents and compared their resumes with our current President. In fact, I went a bit further and compared some key players in the Democratic primary race. What I found was that there were 5 Senators with at least 8 years (Hillary Clinton was the least experienced but the rest had been Senators 13 years or more). I noticed until this President, something was different. Sure, his academic background (which to this day still hasn’t been verified) is equal to past President (if we take it at face value alone). I noticed that each President of modern times had a lengthy background in at least one of the follow areas:
a. Military- lengthy career achieving officer status.
b. Government experience- elected or appointed to a major office in the federal or state level.
c. Business- this would include owning or running a business at the executive level.
You think I’m wrong. Let’s go back to the start of the 20th century. Again, I will do this by list only. Thess are the things they did BEFORE they took office and the years of related experience:
-Teddy Roosevelt - former Lt Colonel, Congressional Medal of Honor winner, Governor, Vice President, President- 13 years (2).
- William Taft - extensive international experience and served as Secretary of War, served as an Appellate Judge, Superior Court Judge, and Governor General of the Philippines and Cuba- 17 years (3).
- Woodrow Wilson- former President of Princeton University, Governor of New Jersey ( also showed “Birth of a Nation” at the White House, typical Democratic form of that time; ole Woody was a swell guy)- 13 years; LENGHTY academic career (sound familiar) (4)
- Warren Harding- owned the Marion Day Star newspaper (which was broke when he bought it), Ohio State Senator, Ohio Lt Governor, US Senator- 15 plus years (5).
- Calvin Coolidge- State legislator, Governor of Massachusetts, Vice President- 20 plus years (6).
- Herbert Hoover- Mining engineer and manager, US Secretary of Commerce- 30 plus years (7).
- FDR- State Senator of New York, Asst Sec of the Navy- 13 years (8).
- Truman- National Guard, Judge, US Senator – over 30 years (9)
- Eisenhower- I shouldn’t need to do this but I will- the radio edit. 5 Star General, Supreme Allied Commander Europe, Educated at West Point, President of Columbia University-38 years (10).
- JFK- Naval Officer, Massachusetts House of Representatives, US Senator – 17 years (11).
- Johnson (LBJ): Naval Officer, House of Representatives, US Senate (served as Minority & Majority Whip), Vice President- 20 plus years (12).
- Nixon: Naval Officer, US House of Representatives, Vice President- 20 plus years (13).
- Ford: Military, House of Representatives Member, Vice President- 31 years (14).
- Carter: US Navy Officer/ US Naval Academy, Farm Owner, Governor- 29 years (15).
- Reagan: Governor- 8 years (16).
- GHW Bush (41): Military Officer, Business Owner, US House of Representatives, US Ambassador to the UN, CIA Director, US Liaison Office (China), Vice President, Director of Council of Foreign Relations, Vice President- 30-plus years (17).
- Clinton: Rhodes Scholar, Attorney General, Governor- 13 years (18).
- GW Bush: National Guard, Energy and Oil Sales, Business Owner (Texas Rangers), Governor- 13 years.
- Obama- Illinois (State and US) Senator 13 years total (barely full time US Senator for just over a year).
Now I'm not trying to sway opinion one way or another about the men listed above (those are issues onto themselves). These are the men who served as President going back to Theodore Roosevelt. If you take a look at this list, you may notice an interesting pattern. I counted 3 former Governors, 4 former Vice Presidents, several with extensive military experience, and a few business owners. Obama was a US Senator for barely 1 term. One year private sector business experience and no foreign policy experience. No experience with the military (not even at an ROTC level). There is nothing on this President resume that says he should be President. I can think about the Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan when he said these words- "Who selected a Jr Senator who handn't even got his feet wet in the US Senate & made him believe that he from that position could become President of the United States (20)." While I'm no fan, for him to say what he did should turn a head or two at the very least.
I have no problem with a man who wants to make his community better. The world would be a better if people cared more about the people and helping those in need. So you ran a community, and organized local organizations. No public sector experience. First Lady Obama at least worked for the University of Chicago hospital and has some private and public sector business (she was a member of the Treehouse Foods Board of Directors as well as the Chicago Board of Global Affairs). For the record, he wasn't even a tenure track Professor at the University of Chicago but a part time lecturer, as the video below will prove (22):
Every day, I wake up and HOPE I am wrong about everything that's happened in the last 18 months. This last campaign was ugly enough. What worries me is the future. My concern is that a qualified African American (and for that matter any minority) with a strong, documented track record may not get the chance because of what this man has done. In my entire life, I haven't seen the level of brute force (in passing bills and spending among other things) to the level this current administration and Congress is going now. If you're a person of prayer as I am and haven't been doing so, now may not be a bad time to start.
Works Cited:
1. Woodlawn Organization Internet Site: http://www.areachicago.org/p/issues/6808/woodlawn-organization/
2. Theo. Roosevelt Bio: http://www.theodoreroosevelt.org/life/biotr.htm
3. Taft Bio: http://www.ca6.uscourts.gov/lib_hist/courts/supreme/judges/taft/wht-bio.html
4. Wilson Bio: http://www.whitehouse.gov/about/presidents/woodrowwilson/
5. Harding bio: http://millercenter.org/academic/americanpresident/harding/essays/biography/1
6. Collidge bio: http://millercenter.org/academic/americanpresident/coolidge/essays/biography/1
7. Hoover Bio: http://www.historycentral.com/Bio/presidents/hoover.html
8. FDR Bio: http://www.u-s-history.com/pages/h1578.html
9. Truman Bio: http://www.trumanlibrary.org/hst-bio.htm
10. Eisenhower Bio: http://www.dwightdeisenhower.com/biodde.html
11. JFK Bio: http://www.whitehouse.gov/about/presidents/johnfkennedy
12. FDR Bio: http://bioguide.congress.gov/scripts/biodisplay.pl?index=J000160
13. Nixon Bio: http://www.whitehouse.gov/about/presidents/richardnixon
14. Ford: http://bioguide.congress.gov/scripts/biodisplay.pl?index=F000260
15. Carter: http://www.cartercenter.org/news/experts/jimmy_carter.html
16. Reagan: http://reagan2020.us/biography/ronald_reagan.asp
17. Bush (41): http://bioguide.congress.gov/scripts/biodisplay.pl?index=B001166
18. Clinton: http://www.whitehouse.gov/about/presidents/williamjclinton/
19. Bush (43): http://www.whitehouse.gov/about/presidents/georgewbush
20. Obama: http://bioguide.congress.gov/scripts/biodisplay.pl?index=o000167
21. Farrakhan: Obama was Selected Before Elected: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UthglMvQQyA
22. Professor John Lott interviewed on Mark Levin show.
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Political Slogans from 2008-2012
2008- Hope and Change. Yes. Utopia. Euphoria. The promise for something new. The "redistribution of wealth" and various other pipe dreams. Typical politician making promises and the American public that believed. Think about this. From 1988-2008, the United States was run by two families- the Bushs and Clintons. Each had their mistakes some more costly than others. People felt that was enough. The last Bush that ran couldn't run again (2 terms). In my opinion, the Clinton's slit their own throats in 2008. She had a lead (pretty clear one) and one mistake. The Jerimiah Wright Tape, which had been done a few years back, released just as the primary was tied. John McCain, a retired miliary officer and Senator fom Arizona, could have won this thing but pretty much gave little or nothing to sink his teeth in. Sarah Palin gave him some credibility. The rest as we know is history.
2009-Hoaxed And Changed. So many promises, so little delivered. What was delivered, the American public didn't want. Promises? How about the promise of allowing 15% or up to $15,000 from retirement accounts to help stimulate the economy (normal taxes would apply). Nope- that got lost in the shuffle. We'll put a man back on the moon by 2020. Nope, scratched that plan this spring. Now shuttle launches will end as of the end of 2010. Open and honest debates along with a 5 day review of all bills posted on the Internet for all to read. Open debates and discussions on C-SPAN. Right. Lets see. They take a bill that had 600 plus pages that grew to over 2700 pages almost overnight. They expect us to read 2700 pages in 5 days. Where's Evelyn Wood when you need her? Open and honest? If you're being open and honest, why is it that the powers that be expect a document of this magnitude to be read that quickly? Well how about they're trying to hide something from the people (such as those who passed this monster are EXEMPT from this). This is the bad news. The level of the US government's control is a a level I thought would never see. The intention is to nationalize as much as humanly possible. And I'll stop here because I could go on. But there is hope. The tea party!!
2010-Change it Back. Here is the good news. The Tea Party, various conservatives media and those once called middle of the road understand what is at stake here. This government has gone totally out of control. This is the year that the estate tax, which was ended years back, will return with a vengence to the tune of 45% as of 2011. Think about this- 45% of what YOU own and already paid taxes and will need to give more. People are starting to wake up and see what's about to happen. The proposal of a nationalize health care system- which those countries that have it see that it's not cost-effective (not to metion that the leaders of these places come to the USA for major treatments). In other words, we're not having this redistribution of wealth talk at all.
Conservatives have spoken. We no longer want big government imposing its will on us as citizens. Conservative candidates has generally done well in elections but now isn't the time to stop. Two years ago, I had NO IDEA who Michele Bachmann was. Now, I like her and would back her if I lived in her district. Better yet, she is the liberal public enemy #1 as dubbed by Speaker Nancy Pelosi (just another reason to support Bachmann). In fact, I hope she runs for Senate down the road. JD Hayworth, Sharron Angle, Mark Rubio among many have had enough and have set out to change this mess the current so called "leaders" have gotten this country in to. Now, with revived conservative leadership running for office, we can do one thing- change it back (or at least get the ball in motion).
2012- Change No More. This President is a 1-term President. If we, the people, can get those who support what has happened over the last 18 months or so, our lives will be better for it. Wealth returns to it rightful owners (those who earned it)!! Good bye, Stalin.
2009-Hoaxed And Changed. So many promises, so little delivered. What was delivered, the American public didn't want. Promises? How about the promise of allowing 15% or up to $15,000 from retirement accounts to help stimulate the economy (normal taxes would apply). Nope- that got lost in the shuffle. We'll put a man back on the moon by 2020. Nope, scratched that plan this spring. Now shuttle launches will end as of the end of 2010. Open and honest debates along with a 5 day review of all bills posted on the Internet for all to read. Open debates and discussions on C-SPAN. Right. Lets see. They take a bill that had 600 plus pages that grew to over 2700 pages almost overnight. They expect us to read 2700 pages in 5 days. Where's Evelyn Wood when you need her? Open and honest? If you're being open and honest, why is it that the powers that be expect a document of this magnitude to be read that quickly? Well how about they're trying to hide something from the people (such as those who passed this monster are EXEMPT from this). This is the bad news. The level of the US government's control is a a level I thought would never see. The intention is to nationalize as much as humanly possible. And I'll stop here because I could go on. But there is hope. The tea party!!
2010-Change it Back. Here is the good news. The Tea Party, various conservatives media and those once called middle of the road understand what is at stake here. This government has gone totally out of control. This is the year that the estate tax, which was ended years back, will return with a vengence to the tune of 45% as of 2011. Think about this- 45% of what YOU own and already paid taxes and will need to give more. People are starting to wake up and see what's about to happen. The proposal of a nationalize health care system- which those countries that have it see that it's not cost-effective (not to metion that the leaders of these places come to the USA for major treatments). In other words, we're not having this redistribution of wealth talk at all.
Conservatives have spoken. We no longer want big government imposing its will on us as citizens. Conservative candidates has generally done well in elections but now isn't the time to stop. Two years ago, I had NO IDEA who Michele Bachmann was. Now, I like her and would back her if I lived in her district. Better yet, she is the liberal public enemy #1 as dubbed by Speaker Nancy Pelosi (just another reason to support Bachmann). In fact, I hope she runs for Senate down the road. JD Hayworth, Sharron Angle, Mark Rubio among many have had enough and have set out to change this mess the current so called "leaders" have gotten this country in to. Now, with revived conservative leadership running for office, we can do one thing- change it back (or at least get the ball in motion).
2012- Change No More. This President is a 1-term President. If we, the people, can get those who support what has happened over the last 18 months or so, our lives will be better for it. Wealth returns to it rightful owners (those who earned it)!! Good bye, Stalin.
Monday, June 21, 2010
Black Patriots Have Always Existed
Until recently, I was not a big Glenn Beck fan. I felt he was a bright man but acted like a class clown at times. When he gets an issue right, he knocks it out of the park. This is a perfect example. Glenn Beck's Founding Fathers: African American Edition does a very good job in addressing this. He addressed the subject of African American's and the founding of this country. On the panel were two men. One was Daniel Burton, founder of Wallbuilders (http://www.wallbuilders.com/) and the other was Professor Lucas Morel from Washington and Lee University. Each are also authors. Burton wrote "Setting the Record Straight: American History in Black and Right" and Morel wrote "Lincoln's Sacred Effort."
I would challenge anyone to watch this series of 4 videos (teachers especially). As a kid, my parents taught me many of the names mentioned here. After seeing this show, I think those of you who are reading this will see why Black History Month exists. Why? It's names like those mentioned here have been left out (intentionally) by those who control the schools. I see a slow change but still some VERY important people are not being mentioned in schools.
As I think back to the mid-to-late 1980's, the world of Rap took a turn towards learning about history and more of a militant turn (some much more so than others). I can recall Boogie Down Productions "You Must Learn", released in 1989. He mentioned some of the names that this special mentioned and one of the lyrics given here really stood out then as it does now. The verse is somewhat haunting and as I look back that this was not taken seriously. I think THIS was the intention of multi-culturalism at first but somewhere along the way, someone forgot what I feel it was intended to be- show our differences yet understand that our contributions are equal.
The verse that haunts me is below:
"I believe that if you're teaching history Filled with straight up facts no mystery
Teach the student what needs to be taught 'Cause Black and White kids both take shorts
When one doesn't know about the other ones' culture, Ignorance swoops down like a vulture'
Cause you don't know that you ain't just a janitor. No one told you about Benjamin Banneker.
A brilliant Black man that invented the almanac. Can't you see where KRS is coming at?
With Eli Whitney, Haile Selassie, Granville Woods made the walkie-talkie
Lewis Latimer improved on Edison, Charles Drew did a lot for medicine
Garrett Morgan made the traffic lights, Harriet Tubman freed the slaves at night
Madame CJ Walker made a straightenin comb, But you won't know this is you weren't shown.
The point I'm gettin' at it it might be harsh 'Cause we're just walkin' around brainwashed"
I'll stop now so you can enjoy the videos. My only intention was to get some other frustration off my chest. This series in in 4 parts- the first three are the show itself and the last video was the after-show session (shown only Online). Any thoughts or comments are welcome and appreciated.
Part 1: The ground work. He begins with mentioning Prince Whipple and James Armistead, America's first double-agent/spy among others. I like the groundwork he used to set the table here.
Part 2. Here names such as Wentworth Chessell and Fredrick Douglass are mentioned in great depth. The 3/5th human rule is also featured here, mentioned how it came to be and how the south got suckered!!
Part 3: More on Douglass, Peter Salem, the hero to Bunker Hill, and Bejamin Banneker are among those featured here.
The extras/ post show session with the Beck, Burton and Morel. There is some fantastic dialogue between this panel and a very balanced audience (by race). This was about as productive of a dialogue I have seen on topics like this.
I would challenge anyone to watch this series of 4 videos (teachers especially). As a kid, my parents taught me many of the names mentioned here. After seeing this show, I think those of you who are reading this will see why Black History Month exists. Why? It's names like those mentioned here have been left out (intentionally) by those who control the schools. I see a slow change but still some VERY important people are not being mentioned in schools.
As I think back to the mid-to-late 1980's, the world of Rap took a turn towards learning about history and more of a militant turn (some much more so than others). I can recall Boogie Down Productions "You Must Learn", released in 1989. He mentioned some of the names that this special mentioned and one of the lyrics given here really stood out then as it does now. The verse is somewhat haunting and as I look back that this was not taken seriously. I think THIS was the intention of multi-culturalism at first but somewhere along the way, someone forgot what I feel it was intended to be- show our differences yet understand that our contributions are equal.
The verse that haunts me is below:
"I believe that if you're teaching history Filled with straight up facts no mystery
Teach the student what needs to be taught 'Cause Black and White kids both take shorts
When one doesn't know about the other ones' culture, Ignorance swoops down like a vulture'
Cause you don't know that you ain't just a janitor. No one told you about Benjamin Banneker.
A brilliant Black man that invented the almanac. Can't you see where KRS is coming at?
With Eli Whitney, Haile Selassie, Granville Woods made the walkie-talkie
Lewis Latimer improved on Edison, Charles Drew did a lot for medicine
Garrett Morgan made the traffic lights, Harriet Tubman freed the slaves at night
Madame CJ Walker made a straightenin comb, But you won't know this is you weren't shown.
The point I'm gettin' at it it might be harsh 'Cause we're just walkin' around brainwashed"
I'll stop now so you can enjoy the videos. My only intention was to get some other frustration off my chest. This series in in 4 parts- the first three are the show itself and the last video was the after-show session (shown only Online). Any thoughts or comments are welcome and appreciated.
Part 1: The ground work. He begins with mentioning Prince Whipple and James Armistead, America's first double-agent/spy among others. I like the groundwork he used to set the table here.
Part 2. Here names such as Wentworth Chessell and Fredrick Douglass are mentioned in great depth. The 3/5th human rule is also featured here, mentioned how it came to be and how the south got suckered!!
Part 3: More on Douglass, Peter Salem, the hero to Bunker Hill, and Bejamin Banneker are among those featured here.
The extras/ post show session with the Beck, Burton and Morel. There is some fantastic dialogue between this panel and a very balanced audience (by race). This was about as productive of a dialogue I have seen on topics like this.
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Better off a Castoff: On Not Winning American Idol
For starters, I don't watch the show (after the auditions are done). For the most part, it really doesn't interest me. Some of the remakes are terrible. So WHY if I don't watch the show, why am I going to blog on it? It's funny because those who have not won have been the most successful. History seems to back me on this so I'll explain why winning American Idol could be more of a curse if your name isn't Kelly Clarkson (Season #1) or Carrie Underwood (#4). I'll exempt everyone from Jordan Sparks forward (their books are still being written). One other tidbit I found out. Of the last 8 winner, 6 had connections to the southern part of the US (Chicago is represented by Glocken, Hudson and the most recent winner, Lee DeWyze).
Let's go to Season 2. Ruben Stoddard won that year but the Clay Aken Army felt otherwise. Sad thing is that neither guy have done anything post Idol. Stoddard had a nice run with a platinum record, a gold record and it all fell off afterwords. Aiken had his banner year in 2004 but after that, pretty marginal except for Christmas music. The two will tour together this summer.
Here's where the "curse" comes in, starting in Season 3. Fantasia won that year and she has faired much better off than the two guys I just mentioned. Some nice recordings, a lead role on Broadway's "The Color Purple" (a role she will now play on tour) , and a few high profile nominations. Now look at who didn't "beat" hear- Jennifer Hudson (yep, that one). Skip to Season 5, the year Taylor Hicks won. First album had some success, the other not so good (45,000 recorded sales). He was last seen (on Broadway) in a production of "Grease" as the Teen Angel. Kellie Pickler was also on that season and she's enjoyed a good career in Country music. The "one" rejected, that got sent home early- 2 albums, both platinum or higher. If you want to relive that experience, click the video below.
I couldn't find the full version but I do recall it was BAD:
The last 3 seasons I won't address because the books are still being written. Sparks looks promising. I haven't heard much about Sanjaya or Gina Glocksen (who now lives in the town where I attended college). The David's (Archuleta and the winner Cook) seem to have some promise since both have won several awards since their Idol days ended. Adam Lambert seems to be on the same path (to be truthful, I know more about Jack Lambert and Adam Archuleta). As for the most recent final two, come on folks!! It hasn't even been 24 hours. DeWyze was actually first discovered by guitarist Louis Svitek, formerly of Zoetrope ("Life of Crime"), M.O.D. (first 3 records), & Ministry ("Psalm 69" through "Animositisomina"). DeWyze signed with Wuli Records, where Svitek is a partner. So if you don't win American Idol, you might be better off in the long run. I never thought I would associate speed/industrial metal with American Idol.
Let's go to Season 2. Ruben Stoddard won that year but the Clay Aken Army felt otherwise. Sad thing is that neither guy have done anything post Idol. Stoddard had a nice run with a platinum record, a gold record and it all fell off afterwords. Aiken had his banner year in 2004 but after that, pretty marginal except for Christmas music. The two will tour together this summer.
Here's where the "curse" comes in, starting in Season 3. Fantasia won that year and she has faired much better off than the two guys I just mentioned. Some nice recordings, a lead role on Broadway's "The Color Purple" (a role she will now play on tour) , and a few high profile nominations. Now look at who didn't "beat" hear- Jennifer Hudson (yep, that one). Skip to Season 5, the year Taylor Hicks won. First album had some success, the other not so good (45,000 recorded sales). He was last seen (on Broadway) in a production of "Grease" as the Teen Angel. Kellie Pickler was also on that season and she's enjoyed a good career in Country music. The "one" rejected, that got sent home early- 2 albums, both platinum or higher. If you want to relive that experience, click the video below.
I couldn't find the full version but I do recall it was BAD:
The last 3 seasons I won't address because the books are still being written. Sparks looks promising. I haven't heard much about Sanjaya or Gina Glocksen (who now lives in the town where I attended college). The David's (Archuleta and the winner Cook) seem to have some promise since both have won several awards since their Idol days ended. Adam Lambert seems to be on the same path (to be truthful, I know more about Jack Lambert and Adam Archuleta). As for the most recent final two, come on folks!! It hasn't even been 24 hours. DeWyze was actually first discovered by guitarist Louis Svitek, formerly of Zoetrope ("Life of Crime"), M.O.D. (first 3 records), & Ministry ("Psalm 69" through "Animositisomina"). DeWyze signed with Wuli Records, where Svitek is a partner. So if you don't win American Idol, you might be better off in the long run. I never thought I would associate speed/industrial metal with American Idol.
Monday, May 17, 2010
Edgar Guest "On Quitting"
The more I have read Edgar Guest, I ask WHY schools and motivational people aren't mention this guy more. If I would create an academic curriculum, this man's work would be in the list. I find myself encouraged and even challenged when I read his works. This poem is pretty relevant to life in general. In fact, why is it that more people don't discuss this man or his name doesn't come up more than it does is beyond me. At the rate I'm going, I might have to give Guest his own label. Enjoy.
Taken from http://www.poemhunter.com/.
"On Quitting"
How much grit do you think you've got?
Can you quit a thing that you like a lot?
You may talk of pluck; it's an easy word,
And where'er you go it is often heard;
But can you tell to a jot or guess
Just how much courage you now possess?
You may stand to trouble and keep your grin,
But have you tackled self-discipline?
Have you ever issued commands to you
To quit the things that you like to do,
And then, when tempted and sorely swayed,
Those rigid orders have you obeyed?
Don't boast of your grit till you've tried it out,
Nor prate to men of your courage stout,
For it's easy enough to retain a grin
In the face of a fight there's a chance to win,
But the sort of grit that is good to own
Is the stuff you need when you're all alone.
How much grit do you think you've got?
Can you turn from joys that you like a lot?
Have you ever tested yourself to know
How far with yourself your will can go?
If you want to know if you have grit,
Just pick out a joy that you like, and quit.
It's bully sport and it's open fight;
It will keep you busy both day and night;
For the toughest kind of a game you'll find
Is to make your body obey your mind.
And you never will know what is meant by grit
Unless there's something you've tried to quit.
Taken from http://www.poemhunter.com/.
"On Quitting"
How much grit do you think you've got?
Can you quit a thing that you like a lot?
You may talk of pluck; it's an easy word,
And where'er you go it is often heard;
But can you tell to a jot or guess
Just how much courage you now possess?
You may stand to trouble and keep your grin,
But have you tackled self-discipline?
Have you ever issued commands to you
To quit the things that you like to do,
And then, when tempted and sorely swayed,
Those rigid orders have you obeyed?
Don't boast of your grit till you've tried it out,
Nor prate to men of your courage stout,
For it's easy enough to retain a grin
In the face of a fight there's a chance to win,
But the sort of grit that is good to own
Is the stuff you need when you're all alone.
How much grit do you think you've got?
Can you turn from joys that you like a lot?
Have you ever tested yourself to know
How far with yourself your will can go?
If you want to know if you have grit,
Just pick out a joy that you like, and quit.
It's bully sport and it's open fight;
It will keep you busy both day and night;
For the toughest kind of a game you'll find
Is to make your body obey your mind.
And you never will know what is meant by grit
Unless there's something you've tried to quit.
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
"My Creed" Edgar Guest
The more I have learned about Edgar Guest, the more impressed I am. This guy is so common sense and inspirational. I actually read some of his works a while back but onyl recently got reconnected with his works. I would encourage anyone to check this man and his works out.
"My Creed"
- Edgar A. Guest
(taken from http://www.wow4u.com/my-creed/index.html)
To live as gently as I can;
To be, no matter where, a man;
To take what comes of good or ill
And cling to faith and honor still;
To do my best, and let that stand
The record of my brain and hand;
And then, should failure come to me,
Still work and hope for victory.
To have no secret place wherein
I stoop unseen to shame or sin;
To be the same when I'm alone
As when my every deed is known
To live undaunted, unafraid
Of any step that I have made;
To be without pretense or sham
Exactly what men think I am.
To leave some simple mark behind
To keep my having lived in mind,
If enmity to aught I show,
To be an honest, generous foe,
To play my little part, nor whine
That greater honors are not mine.
This, I believe, is all I need
For my philosophy and creed.
"My Creed"
- Edgar A. Guest
(taken from http://www.wow4u.com/my-creed/index.html)
To live as gently as I can;
To be, no matter where, a man;
To take what comes of good or ill
And cling to faith and honor still;
To do my best, and let that stand
The record of my brain and hand;
And then, should failure come to me,
Still work and hope for victory.
To have no secret place wherein
I stoop unseen to shame or sin;
To be the same when I'm alone
As when my every deed is known
To live undaunted, unafraid
Of any step that I have made;
To be without pretense or sham
Exactly what men think I am.
To leave some simple mark behind
To keep my having lived in mind,
If enmity to aught I show,
To be an honest, generous foe,
To play my little part, nor whine
That greater honors are not mine.
This, I believe, is all I need
For my philosophy and creed.
Sunday, April 18, 2010
"Racist" Tea Party.....O-K!!
I recently attended a local Tea Party event. Now if you hear the national media, you would think that I (being Black) would be out of place. That those who attended them were all "racist" and hatemongers. I can tell you for a fact, I got exactly what I expected -the EXACT OPPOSITE. People actually came to me in places. As I took my pictures, I don't think one person balked at me doing so. NOT ONCE did I feel threatened or in harm’s way. NOT ONCE did I hear any type of racist comments whatsoever. You would think that out of 500 plus people, a village idiot would stand out pretty quickly. I guess they stayed home. I had very positive discussions with many who attended. I spoke with everyone from the retired to the small and medium business owners and their concerns about what is happening now. How will their health benefits work for them in the years ahead? How can a business remain profitable should the cost of doing business going up? Worse yet, how can I hire someone if I don't have the means to pay them? How fast will the big government mentality spend its citizens into the ground (or oblivion)? I have no problem with someone calling themselves Black American, Italian American, and so on. It's what makes this country special. Unless you have some Native American Indian blood in you, we're all from somewhere else. At the end off the day, while ethnic distinctions don't both me, we are all Americans. No place is perfect especially with man at the wheel, but the United States is about as good as it gets. If you doubt me, ask someone who came from somewhere else. If you don't agree with me, then they might make more sense to you.
This event had about 500 people (not quite as large as the downtown Chicago event but still effective), which considering this was on a Thursday during the lunch hour is pretty good. As I arrived, I was treated no differently than anyone else who was there. People were very respectful even to the handful of detractors. In fact, one visitor was told that his "pro-tea party" sign was not appropriate (calling Nancy Pelosi a Nazi). I think this person decide not to show it. All it was were people who had the same theme in mind- smaller government, freedom, and well being our country. I'm doing this to let folks know that this stuff about "racist Tea Party" people are flat out LIES!!!! This is the first I attended from start to end and the third I got to see. If you're curious and want to see for yourselves, go to an event and see for yourselves. Right wing nutjobs? No. These represent the American people who have seen what is going on and saying enough is enough. Those who say the Tea Party is racist in nature I'll almost be that most of those folks haven't gone to one. If they have, they probably had the mindset of wanting trouble and finding what they wanted to find- not what really existed. So here are some of the signs I liked the most. I hope you all enjoy them. Click a photo to see a larger version.
Am I the only one who feels my "wealth" shouldn't be spread? Based on this picture, I know I am not alone. There's a difference between being compassionate and generous versus flat out stealing (and wasting). If anyone will "spread my wealth", that person will be me.
I had the chance to speak with this woman. She and the people she came with were very polite and nice to speak with. She and her family run a constuction business. If you can't see the smaller print, it says "I am not a crackpot- I am American." Well said.
The "Axis of Taxes" (Obama, Pelosi, & Reid)
Shake, Rattle & Roll. November, 2010. I like this slogan!! Short and to the point- very effective.
I don't think any captions are needed for the picture above. This young man may be about 11 or 12 years old.
This is one (above) that I REALLY liked. The blue on the bottom is to protect the child sitting in the buggy. I PROMISED that I would do this. While I am not a parent, I can appreciate the concern of a parent & someone using their child's image anywhere. I said to her "don't give them any ideas because they might consider it." Last decade, the City of Chicago attempted to create a (are you ready for this)..........
a tax out tax!!!!!!!!! That's right. They felt by taxing take out food, they could prevent garbage (and create revenue). Seriously folks. I couldn't make this up. It was this event that solidified where I stood as it relates to big government.
I believe this is Dan Proft, former candidate for Illinois Governor and business owner. He made one statement that really stood out for me- "if they won't stop, they need to BE stopped." The quote was in regards to the outrageous spending (among other things) we now see.
This is Andy Andrezeski, former Illinois Governor candidate (who I voted for). His phrase for the day, "Mr Madigan. Open the books." He is now involved with Open the Books IL, which proposes a forensic audit of the Illinois govt spending. I would like to see that done at the federal level. This is the Internet site for Open the Books IL.For listeners of WYLL, Sandy Rios is behind him (in the red jacket, and in the picture below). http://openthebooks.com/
Talk show host, President of the Culture Campaign & Fox contributor Sandy Rios speaks. The audio and a transcript can be found on this link ( http://www.wyll.com/ContentPages/1610/ ). Below is her speech (done at a different Tea Party event):
A Vet, letting his view be known.
The remaining pictures speak for themselves so I won't add any commentary. Enjoy.
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