2008- Hope and Change. Yes. Utopia. Euphoria. The promise for something new. The "redistribution of wealth" and various other pipe dreams. Typical politician making promises and the American public that believed. Think about this. From 1988-2008, the United States was run by two families- the Bushs and Clintons. Each had their mistakes some more costly than others. People felt that was enough. The last Bush that ran couldn't run again (2 terms). In my opinion, the Clinton's slit their own throats in 2008. She had a lead (pretty clear one) and one mistake. The Jerimiah Wright Tape, which had been done a few years back, released just as the primary was tied. John McCain, a retired miliary officer and Senator fom Arizona, could have won this thing but pretty much gave little or nothing to sink his teeth in. Sarah Palin gave him some credibility. The rest as we know is history.
2009-Hoaxed And Changed. So many promises, so little delivered. What was delivered, the American public didn't want. Promises? How about the promise of allowing 15% or up to $15,000 from retirement accounts to help stimulate the economy (normal taxes would apply). Nope- that got lost in the shuffle. We'll put a man back on the moon by 2020. Nope, scratched that plan this spring. Now shuttle launches will end as of the end of 2010. Open and honest debates along with a 5 day review of all bills posted on the Internet for all to read. Open debates and discussions on C-SPAN. Right. Lets see. They take a bill that had 600 plus pages that grew to over 2700 pages almost overnight. They expect us to read 2700 pages in 5 days. Where's Evelyn Wood when you need her? Open and honest? If you're being open and honest, why is it that the powers that be expect a document of this magnitude to be read that quickly? Well how about they're trying to hide something from the people (such as those who passed this monster are EXEMPT from this). This is the bad news. The level of the US government's control is a a level I thought would never see. The intention is to nationalize as much as humanly possible. And I'll stop here because I could go on. But there is hope. The tea party!!
2010-Change it Back. Here is the good news. The Tea Party, various conservatives media and those once called middle of the road understand what is at stake here. This government has gone totally out of control. This is the year that the estate tax, which was ended years back, will return with a vengence to the tune of 45% as of 2011. Think about this- 45% of what YOU own and already paid taxes and will need to give more. People are starting to wake up and see what's about to happen. The proposal of a nationalize health care system- which those countries that have it see that it's not cost-effective (not to metion that the leaders of these places come to the USA for major treatments). In other words, we're not having this redistribution of wealth talk at all.
Conservatives have spoken. We no longer want big government imposing its will on us as citizens. Conservative candidates has generally done well in elections but now isn't the time to stop. Two years ago, I had NO IDEA who Michele Bachmann was. Now, I like her and would back her if I lived in her district. Better yet, she is the liberal public enemy #1 as dubbed by Speaker Nancy Pelosi (just another reason to support Bachmann). In fact, I hope she runs for Senate down the road. JD Hayworth, Sharron Angle, Mark Rubio among many have had enough and have set out to change this mess the current so called "leaders" have gotten this country in to. Now, with revived conservative leadership running for office, we can do one thing- change it back (or at least get the ball in motion).
2012- Change No More. This President is a 1-term President. If we, the people, can get those who support what has happened over the last 18 months or so, our lives will be better for it. Wealth returns to it rightful owners (those who earned it)!! Good bye, Stalin.
My Fun Food Blog: The Empty Plate Adventures
About Me
- john duncan
- Greater Chicago, Illinois, United States
- A man of many interests.
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