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Greater Chicago, Illinois, United States
A man of many interests.

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Saturday, December 4, 2010

Love My Liberal Friends

I have to show some love my liberal friends!! Why? Well, God commands me to do so no matter how much I don’t agree with them. Sometimes, though, I am almost ready to jump out of my skin when I hear them speak. I might even go this far to question if they REALLY believe what they’re saying. Some of the stuff gets me to the point of having to read comments multiple times just to make sure I read what I read.

Now come on you might say. Could it REALLY be that bad? It couldn’t have been that far off base, could it? You can judge for yourself (and I COULDN’T make these up):

Scenario #1: Let’s add a tax on all alcoholic drinks of 5%. This would be regardless if it were bought in a restaurant or in the store (in other words, a selective food tax). The proposal would, in theory, raise about $90 Million dollars in revenue for schools. After watching some communications among others, I noticed an interesting trend. Of those who were for this tax, none of them drank alcohol (I no longer do). That’s my first problem with this. My second issue is that even with all the money this could raise, what’s to make me (and them for that matter) believe the money will go where it was intended to go? None- you can’t do it. Our leaders have proven that with how medicare, medicaid and social security were squandered.

Scenario #2: Person has been without health insurance for almost 12 years. Yet they think Obamacare will help them. What he doesn’t realize is that the best case scenario is that initially, his issue will be covered. Eventually, a condition won’t be covered. The best case I’ve heard on Obamacare is that at first, it will be good but within 2-3 years, the monster rears its ugly head. That’s where things get dicey because the resources will be less than they once were. I have yet to hear one person in the medical profession say this Obamacare will work. It hasn’t worked elsewhere (without half you income or more going to pay for it). So many diseases that could have been treated but weren't? Why? Resources were exhausted.

Scenario #3: Let’s reform banks. Let’s tell them how to do business. Tell them they can’t charge “A”, “B”, or “C” for anything. The problem is that the intentions were good (I’ll be generous) but the results are bad. For example, overdraft will now have fees where previously they didn’t (other than an annual fee and interest). Free checking? At this rate, that's going to be like a pink elephant.

Scenario #4: The Patriot Act. They hated the thought of Internet and phone conversations being monitored was wrong. On on side, I knew that could cross some sensitive boundaries. On the other side, our country is at war and I have nothing to hide. People were mad about having to remove their shoes before boarding a plane. That's the worst thing ever. People went through the roof with the Patriot Act. Yet now, we have FULL BODY SCANNERS in airports where the image can be made clearly (especially if you've see the negatives). Not to mention a FULL BODY PAT DOWN of any passenger using the SAME GLOVES with each inspection? So much for sanitation and disease prevention.

Scenario #5: "Stimulus" will prevent unemployment from going over 8% and then eventually drop back. Wrong and wrong. In 2008, unemployment was just under 7% but now hovering around 10%. "Stimulus" will help the economy. Wrong again. In 2008 despite 2 active wars, debt to GDP (gross domestic product) was at 65%. At the rate this adminstration is going, US debt/GDP will eclipse 100% and Obamacare hasn't even been factored in yet.

I don't want to keep rattling off my frustrations. All we can do is stop what has been put into motion then undo it. I HOPE my friends who tend to be more liberal will understand that all this "change" will push the US off the cliff. Quit punishing people for taking a risk and being successful. Liberal thinkers have as some call a "soft tyrrany" and don't even know it yet. Let's hope they wake up before it's too late. I can only try to tell them that the modern form of liberalism is not good. It takes from the liberty and freedom from the very people they think they're helping.

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