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Thursday, October 15, 2009

God's first commandments (?)

Let me start by saying I have no formal training in the Bible or Biblical related subjects. I am not a Pastor or teacher and don't see myself as one any time soon. This is my opinion and mine alone (at least I believe it is). One part criticism and one part theory/opinion. I am not saying that this is what God says but I only do it based on two things. The context He speaks in and His nature (what He did in other contexts). The 10 Commandments are the blueprint for what modern (criminal and civil) laws are based off of. For the longest time, I thought that to be true but then something hit me. I’m not trying to denounce the 10 Commandments (because you can’t keep them anyway at least as they were intended). In fact, far from that at all. Over a period of days while reading Genesis, something came to me (strangely enough after reading Revelations). This is how I think God intended things to be. Fellowship with Him with no pain, death, sorrow- none of it. My thinking is based off of different teaching I’ve heard over time (along with those on God’s nature). I also base it off of reading the Bible as a piece of literature (yep all the English classes I took may have done some good). Don’t ask me to get into the Hebrew, Greek or so on because that is WELL outside my knowledge base.

This is only a thought. What you see below is what I think are the first commandments God gave to man. Personally, I think that these were the only commandments He ever wanted to give mankind. This is what God said to Adam and Eve (from Genesis 2 and 3). To me, it seems pretty straight forward. As I looked at the story further, it made more sense. The one little act caused God to cut off this incredible paradise He had created for his creation. He also had to send his only Son to the world to die the most barbaric death for that time. Why? No other way to save mankind as God saw it. Do you think these are doable? I hope I edited the “thous” to "you" to make this more readable. Who speaks King's English anyway. I don't. I'm an American. Anyway, here it goes.

1. “And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful"
2. "and multiply"
3. "and replenish the earth.” I think the be fruitful and multiply parts are the act of creating human life and intimacy between the Adam and Eve (hint-hint). Replenish I think was seems to show things once the children is born and how they should carry forward.
4. “and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moves upon the earth.” In other words, Adam and Eve were supposed to oversee the earth. The entire creation was given to them by God. Look up the words subdue and dominion to get a better picture.
5. “God formed every beast of the field, and every fowl of the air; and brought them unto Adam to see what he would call them: and whatsoever Adam called every living creature, that was the name thereof.” Translation. I see this as authority that God made mankind superior to other living things. Adam and Eve were in God’s image. It follows number four. I think this could show partnership with God as well (though not being equal with him). Adam thought up a name, that’s what it was called. I actually heard a sermon on this years back so that's what comes to mind here.
6. “Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.” Again, pretty self-explanatory if you think about what the words imply (especially the last part if you think about it). I think the first part of this was directed for the children of Adam and Eve (again, just my opinion and is something I am unsure of). At this point, Adam and Eve were it. An early marriage blueprint.
7. “Of every tree of the garden you may freely eat. And the LORD God commanded the man, saying, Of every tree of the garden thou may freely eat.” Imagine going into a forest or orchard. Imagine that you can eat any fruit that you see. I have seen enough orchards and these are not small pieces of property. More provision.
8. “But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, do not eat of it: for in the day that thou eat thereof thou shalt surely die.” The first “do not/thou shall not” is given here. This was intended to be a warning once they ate the fruit, their lives will not be the same. They had a free will to eat of the tree but God gave them the right to decide for themselves. God wanted to give Adam and Eve free decisions to act within the boundaries He set for them. The serpent (Satan) tells the first lie in human history, hence becoming the "father of all lies" by doing this. The result was that Eve ate the fruit, gave some to Adam, which he ate as well. The rest was all down hill from there. The death was not physical but the spiritual, once perfect state they once knew. All glory given up for one piece of fruit.

If I tried to do this in the actual Hebrew, it will look something like this (note: I used Google translate to create this but you get the picture):
ואת אלוהים בירך אותם אלוהים ויאמר להם פרו ורבו

ו לחדש את כדור הארץ

ולהכניע אותו: ויש לך שליטה על הדגים של הים, ועל עוף של באוויר, מעל כל דבר חי שזז על פני האדמה.

אלוהים יצר כל חיית השדה, וכל עוף של האוויר; והביא אותם אל אדם כדי לראות מה הוא היה קורא להם: ואת בכלל אדם בשם כל יצור חי, זה היה שם ממנו.

לכן יהיה אדם לעזוב את אביו ואת אמו, ולא תחול לבקע אל אשתו: והם יהיו לבשר אחד.

של כל עץ של הגן אתה יכול לאכול חופשי. ואת יהוה אלוהים ציווה האיש לאמר, כל עץ של הגן אתה יכול לאכול חופשי.

אבל העץ של הידע של תעשה טוב ורע, אתה לא לאכול אותו: במשך היום כי אתה לאכול ממנו ונתתה בוודאי למות.

Or Greek (in part):
Και ο Θεός τους ευλόγησε, και ο Θεός είπε εις αυτούς, να είναι καρποφόρες και να πολλαπλασιάζεται
ανασύσταση και η γη
και να υποτάξει: και να έχει κυριαρχία πάνω από τα ψάρια της θάλασσας, και πάνω από τα όρνιθες του αέρα, και πάνω από κάθε ζωντανό πράγμα που κινείται επάνω στη γη.

I only did this to clear my head. As I said before, these are my thoughts and mine alone. It's just something that I found curious and considered pondering.

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