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Greater Chicago, Illinois, United States
A man of many interests.

Environmental Suckas- Bob Parks

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Wednesday, June 15, 2011

The Fine and Very Qualified

I wrote a posting a while back called “A Fine, Unqualified” with a simple premise. I compared the qualifications of our current President with previous Presidents (going back as far as Teddy Roosevelt).  There was a different posting I had planned that I had planned on calling “2 Years Later” but didn’t. Why? As fast as I felt things couldn’t get any stranger, they did get stranger to a point of disbelief. Are we REALLY hearing the things that we thought we heard? We know what we heard and can’t believe what was said. So that posting has been delayed since I’m not sure how I want to put this out.
Fast forward to this week. While the moderator was not so great, my belief is that America (in particular, Conservatives) got its first glance at some of the Republican candidates for the 2012 nomination. The televised debates gave me some decent insight into the candidates. As a whole, the candidates were considerate and made their points well. Then it hit me, why don’t I do a posting and call it “The Fine and Very Qualified” about the Republicans who (at this time) are actually running for President. The list will break down what each did up to this point.
The list is in alphabetical order:
Michele Bachmann- Three years ago, I had no idea who she was. Now if life goes the way I think, I may be moving to her state. As the vision of TARP and “ObamaCare” became reality, she was one of the earliest and loudest opponents. Pro-Life, Constitutional conservative and leader by example. It was her who brought “Gangster Government” to the masses. She became one of the early faces of the modern Tea Party. She by training is a tax attorney, earning both a JD and LL.M degree. Elected to State or Federal office since 2000. First Republican Woman elected to the US House from Minnesota (from what I understand, the state is fairly liberal). If all else fails, she beats Franken in 2014. She and her husband are also business owners.
Herman Cain- I heard Herman Cain years back but didn’t really appreciate how brilliant this man is. This man was a ballistics expert in the Navy, an business executive with some very respected companies (e.g., Burger King, Coca-Cola), made a failing pizza chain profitable in 14 months (Godfather’s Pizza) and former Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City Chairman and Board member.  He has also served in leadership in various industry associations. By training, he is a mathematician and computer scientist. As you can see, Cain was ahead of the game as it relates to Health Care reform as the video shows below (if you never saw this, you need to look. He’s putting the math skills to work. This video is a MUST SEE):
Newt Gingrich- Like Cain, he is from Georgia. He served 20 years in political office and served as the Speaker. He was part of the “Contract with America” movement, which tried to make government small and more open. Thrice divorced, 30 years ago he could never have been elected. For some, this could be a deal breaker.
 Ron Paul- This is one guy I can honestly say I’m not sure how to read him. Libertarian, not Conservative and there is a difference. On one hand, he’s a strong pro-lifer, pro second amendment and fiscally conservative. On the other hand, he was against the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (felt it wasn’t needed) and for legalizing drugs (specifically marijuana). Doctor by training and over 10 years experience in elected office.
Tim Pawlenty- Like Bachmann, he is also from Minnesota. He served 2 terms as Governor and served in the Minnesota House (replacing Jesse Ventura in both positions). By training, he is an attorney (his wife was a Judge) but did start his political career not long after getting his law degree.  Problem- he did vote for a form of Cap and Trade, which he eventually rejected. Also served at State and local level politics.
Mitt Romney- Lengthy consulting and venture capital career before elected office. Like Cain, he lead a failing business (Bain & Company) and brought it back to profitability. CEO of the Salt Lake City Olympic committee. Served 1 term as Governor of Massachusetts. Problem- RomneyCare, which he will REALLY need to sell conservatives on him not doing that if elected President (you think after HillaryCare some would know better ). By training, Romney has an MBA and JD. Father was the Governor of Michigan.

Rick Santorum- Served as US Senator for 12 years and in the US House for 4 years.  Socially and fiscally conservative. By training, he also holds a JD and MBA, having worked as an attorney, providing  strategic and business counseling, Senior Fellow with the Ethics and Public Policy Center in Washington, D.C.  
Now my original premise from “Unqualified” was to something about past Presidents. They ALL had length experiences in at least one of three areas: military, government office (elected or appointed), or business. You take a good look at this list, you will see that each candidate had experience in at least 2 of these areas I mentioned. All of these people have not only advanced degrees but the experiences in their given areas they studied. All except Cain had finished at least 1 term in Federal office. All but Gingrich spent some time in business. Paul is the only Doctor of the current candidates. Romney is a second Generation Governor (although in a different state than his Dad). Santorum and Gingrich both have solid experience in public policy. Bachmann is well versed in tax law.
All of these people spoke clearly on what they believe. Each one during the recent debate was civil towards each other candidates. No name calling or trying to talking over each other. This was a simple but honest debate. These candidates really need to be looked at closely. The stakes are too high. If one of these people doesn’t get elected in 2012, the United States could (no WILL) face some SERIOUS repercussions such as all the taxes in ObamaCare. The 2012 election is vital since this is the way we can at least slow this madness down. At the very least, we stall the implementation of ObamaCare and its related taxes until 2014. Then in 2014, we get conservative voices in the Senate and then undo all the damage this administration has done. Now is the time to find the very conservative voice that sadly, the GOP has silenced (see former US Senator Peter Fitzgerald if you doubt me).  Please friends, pay CLOSE attention. Know who you’re voting for. Know where they stand and stand with those who speak your convictions.